2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


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This whole interview thing is just such a frustrating product of this moment.

From a first principles point of view, the media should have a role to play here. They should have informed journalists able to ask tough questions of our potential leaders and report to the public when those answers are unsatisfactory.

The problem is: You can’t both attempt to fill that role and also look at the entirety of Donald Trump and treat him as a serious candidate. All of your serious coverage of the election must be slanted to “Donald Trump is unserious and unfit” if you are going to be the arbiter of truth.


Ha, suck it Rick Perry!

Yeah I’m only one, maybe two of those things depending on your definition.

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Florida is completely fucked right now when it comes to home/auto insurance. 20% of people have home insurance with the government but there is a rule that if you get offered a policy from another company through a letter in the mail you have to opt out of it or you are automatically shifted over. So these scammer companies that will 100% be bankrupt on the first storm are offering people home insurance at 10x mark ups. Last election margins were crazy for DeSantis but Democrats ran terrible candidates including a former Republican.

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Don’t forget the condo crisis in Florida. Fees are up to pay for safety upgrades. Condo owners can’t afford these charges, so they want to sell, but who would want to buy under those circumstances?


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C average poll ive never heard of?




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Rasmussen has gotten their new marching orders.

Trump only up two in nationals and Rasmussen is a good sign.

Thanks magic.

I think Rasmussen always just keeps the same numbers that they like and don’t really poll. In 2020 their polls actually showed Trump only up a little or even like all the other polls did, but then with covid as Trump fell away and the rest of the polls moved, Rasmussen’s didn’t.

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When is he going to do the laughing?


Frack and crackdown on the border. I wish Harris had stuck with no interviews. Vibes gone.


What are some examples of JD Vance having “fun in politics”, do you think?

edit: should probably read your post

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I love that at every campaign stop, candidates are required to eat the most unhealthy local food. It’s awesome food, but they always have to go to the local burger joint, milkshake hut, barbecue pit, pizzeria, bakery, sugar dump, etc.

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Looks like Biden’s not winning Florida



I have never tried “Cook Out” despite it expanding aggressively in the metro Atlanta area over the past 10 years. Is it good?