2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

My biggest concern is that Israel seems like the perfect wedge issue to drive apart the Democratic coalition. I’m more or less willing to punt on that issue and not let it affect who I vote for.


Are there any actual named Democrats that would poll better than an unnamed “generic” Democrat? I am not a statistician, but it does seem a little weird to have a theoretical, undefined candidate on a political poll

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the room doesn’t seem to realize how big the incumbency advantage is, especially in the year before the election. i also think that biden reads the whole room relatively well, and resigning in favor of his VP a month into second term would be a nice legacy capstone. it’s basically The Contender (2000 film) - Wikipedia except there’s republicans are 100x more crazy. there’s some space in what he promised during 2020 campaign wrto serving a second term

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I’m honestly not sure how someone can’t. Every action taken by Biden in the aftermath would have been worse if taken by a random republican or Trump in specific.


A lot of people vote for emotional reasons. Some people vote to punish a particular candidate or party and not to maximize their preferred policy outcomes

It’s a mistake to practice democracy under the assumption that the voting public is rational.


This poll is so obviously bull**** that I can’t believe anyone is taking it seriously.


Sadly we could have had Ben Affleck if he hadn’t lowered (dunked ?)himself to our level.

Lost my vote as soon as he laid the Boston accent on so thick after that long away. Retracted if he genuinely passes the bahh IRL.

How about this GOAT Affleck picture though? I probably rip 6 or 7 darts a year but still strongly relate to this one, especially after reading any political news:


the incumbent usually has the advantage in elections because they usually have higher than a 40% approval rating and people prefer the devil they know (the incumbent) over the one they don’t (the challenger). In the case of Trump vs Biden the challenger is roughly twice as famous as the incumbent, like everything else in politics traditional conventions can’t really be applied to Trump.

Dang I feel that with y’all. He really went through a rough period. And then as soon as he was back on top with Gone Girl, Gone Baby Gone, and Argo, he was right back in the pit of Justice League and a new low.

Well as far as politics I’m not really happy at the upper levels of like POTUS, but a lot of good stuff happened on lower levels. Simple appointments of gay, intersex, non binary, and trans people is a huge breakthrough that lights the path forward for better and better candidates. Anything but crusty old cis white dudes plz.

That’s not a honey pot for resentments over stuff no one likes about the folks currently in office. I’m just happy to see these steps forward by folks like Pete, Kamala, Zooey Zephyr, Betsy Driver, and Pluto Brand. I think we would see a huge shift if we just elected intersex, trans, and non binary people of all colors. Obviously I am biased but only in a good way. My only concern is once we open the floodgates, it would just become more obvious how many variations are perfectly normal and widely distributed among the population.

Still hoping Medicare for all happens for more than people who are so broke they (including me) may never see money again.

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Heads up bros, new photo of ben affleck hating life just dropped


Starbucks??? Not dunks???

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That’s a pretty good point and I’d be honestly surprised if he wasn’t breaching his contract by publicly drinking Starbucks.


Democrats need to start being more active about primaries like the Republicans have been doing all these years. Thats how you move the party to the left. Telling people to not vote for Biden against Trump is really bad.


I assume there’s some sort of lethargy clause. Can’t have Batman walking around half caffeinated.

Real Batmen just inject themselves with a mysterious fast acting steroid/stimulant. Caffeine is for rookies.

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Espresso epi pens?



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Affleck sold out, now that he’s a big time Hollywood guy he doesn’t have time for his small hometown coffee chains.