2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Alternatively, let Biden win the primary but at the convention let the delegates have the chance to switch their vote to the candidate behind the curtain

What has he done?

(This is a serious question btw. Iā€™m more engaged with this shit than >95% of Americans and Iā€™d struggle to sell Biden to people.)

The inflation reduction act is the biggest piece of progressive legislation passed in our lifetime.


Iā€™m not sure how well this will paste, but itā€™s from here.

Hereā€™s how he (Pfeiffer) characterized it:

Perhaps the simplest explanation of Bidenā€™s political challenges is that he has done a lot of good, popular things, and almost no one knows about them. Navigator tested a series of messages about Bidenā€™s various accomplishments, including allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower drug costs, the bipartisan law to rebuild roads and bridges, and efforts to create more manufacturing jobs in the U.S.

Guess what? All of this stuff is super popular. Medicare negotiating drug prices is supported by 77% of Americans, including 64% of Republicans. The bipartisan infrastructure law has the support of 73% of Americans and a majority of Republicans. Every accomplishment tested in this poll had majority support. Itā€™s hard to overstate how impressive that is in a deeply divided, highly polarized country at a time when the Presidentā€™s approval ratings are in the low 40s.

Thatā€™s the good news. Hereā€™s the bad news: according to the poll, a majority of Americans heard little or nothing about the accomplishments tested. There is a yawning knowledge gap.

Now for more good news (think of this as a positive sandwich); the poll shows that when people are told about what Biden has done, his approval rating goes up. The voters most likely to move are the ā€œDouble Haters.ā€


Matt Damon or Matthew McConaughey could probably win all 50 states against Trump. Itā€™s not like they can walk into a Starbucks now so Im surprised that they donā€™t want the job.

These polls are hopefully skewed by liberals mad about Israel but who will still vote for Biden because they realize Trump would have been much worse for Gaza.

And how has it impacted the average person as of right now?

Also, that naming is so LOL Democrats.

Ask people if inflation is down. Shit is still super expensive.

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As always, dems lose the messaging war over and over and over. They lose the propaganda battle. Those two things make them lose the water cooler conversations. And it just keeps spiraling. They are unbelievably bad at selling themselves.

These polls and the reality we are facing make me more depressed than panicked. I think to some degree Iā€™ve already processed and accepted the fact that we are good and truly fucked. Itā€™s depressing the know that so many of our fellow americans are just deeply idiotic, racist, evil, shit for brains morons that are so susceptible to the propaganda. And they all think the same of us. Life is only getting better for the uber wealthy and the uber stupid. The rest of us are stuck in a downward spiral of the meat grinder capitalist hell hole.

The fact that Biden/dems are incapable of reading the room and stepping aside in 2024 is the icing on the cake. Not only does everything suck, but we are stuck trying to prop up an octogenarian ā€œnothing will fundamentally changeā€ centrist who canā€™t sell what he has done for America. And I know Iā€™ll waste so much time and energy focusing on the ekection and doing what I can to try to defeat Republicans, but in the end it likely wonā€™t matter.



Agree. And for so many, their world view doesnā€™t extend any farther than the end of their street. As a society, we are hopelessly stupid and oblivious.


When do prices ever go down?

Once companies raise prices, they tend to stay up.

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Right. Which is why calling this the ā€œInflation Reduction Actā€ was an own goal.

People hear ā€œinflation reductionā€ and think ā€œstuff wonā€™t be expensive for me anymoreā€. The actual reality of what inflation means is largely irrelevant.

And this doesnā€™t even address the fact that the economy is one of the last things Democrats (and especially Biden) should be talking about right now. And yet ā€œBidenomicsā€ is a thing that heā€™s unironically saying.

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Dems such at messaging because they believe that facts should and will win out and have an idealistic view of the media.

But I still think Biden remains the Demsā€™ best chance of winning in 2024. If yā€™all wanted someone younger, yā€™all should have been in the tank for Buttigieg in 2020.

this poll is the nightmare that keeps on giving


A new poll by The New York Times and Siena College found that 22 percent of Black voters in six of the most important battleground states said they would support former President Donald J. Trump in next yearā€™s election, and 71 percent would back Mr. Biden.

The drift in support is striking, given that Mr. Trump won just 8 percent of Black voters nationally in 2020 and 6 percent in 2016, according to the Pew Research Center. A Republican presidential candidate has not won more than 12 percent of the Black vote in nearly half a century.

Mr. Biden has a year to shore up his standing, but if numbers like these held up across the country in November 2024, they would amount to a historic shift: No Democratic presidential candidate since the civil rights era has earned less than 80 percent of the Black vote.


the average voter is going to care about things that directly impact their wallet like student loan payments restarting, child tax credits ending and rising food costs over the abstract things that probably help them but not in a direct tangible way like building roads and bridges. so the Democrats problem is not a messaging one but rather the fact that they donā€™t understand the average voter.


And in that Nevada poll where trump leads by double digits, it even shows trump ahead with Hispanics. Unskewed or not, that is still generally the direction those numbers are headed.

If you want some sort of sure-thing candidate who is a slam dunk against Trump or any other Republican so that you donā€™t have to worry at all about 2024, that candidate does not exist. The best possible candidate still has a palpable, nonzero chance of losing to Trump and if you want a candidate who agrees with you on 100% of the issues, that candidate is probably not the one with the best chance of winning.

Panicking doesnā€™t change any of that.


Well, at least we can take solace in the fact that the democrats will learn from this mistake in the future!




ā€œBiden was too progressive! We need a more centrist candidate to win over persuadable Republicans!ā€