2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Pro Gaza protesters won’t help us take out trump and won’t show up to vote for Dems. Even if Biden negotiated a peace tomorrow with the most favorable terms possible for Gaza that Netanyahu would sign they would still denounce him and not vote for Kamala. And their messaging would help Trump and hurt Kamala at every step.

I think it’s insane to view Palestine movement as an ally against Trump while they actively work to reelect him. That doesn’t mean I don’t see them as better people or agree with them on more subjects, it just means that they refuse to compromise and work together so they aren’t and can’t be a political ally

“Trump derangement syndrome” is not a thing. People (liberals, centrists, everyone not a MAGA chud) are correctly upset with Trump and the threat of another Trump presidency, they are correctly donating money to causes they think will stop him. They’re simply being conned by former Republican grifters.


I don’t think we disagree on the facts of what you said. The derangement is thinking that Trump is so bad that other Republicans are actually Good Guys.

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I realize that we’re in the election thread, but framing the legitimacy of a movement’s allyship based on its capability to help the election of your preferred candidate is part of the problem. They are an ally when it comes to making the world a better, more just place by stopping displacement and genocide. The fact that democrats would rather alienate them than do the right thing is a problem with democrats, not with protestors, and democrats should own that choice instead of blaming them for helping Trump.


How does Trump getting elected make the world a better place?


Its the same thing the Dems do every single time. Otherize the group that wants them to do the right thing. Historically that has been leftists and progressives. This time it happens to be the Gaza protestors in that spot.


For example, this is a really powerful ad. It doesn’t matter at all to me who tweeted it.

Normies see this stuff. It matters. It’s making a difference. I’m glad the Lincoln Project exists, even if they’re grifters, because I don’t want Trump to win this election.


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I still don’t understand these people who are supposedly voting Trump and D senator. Prochoice fascists?


Anna Paula Lunatic is in the mold of MTG, Boebert, Gosar,…dumb, crazy and belligerent. Would be great to see her get the boot.

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My theory is there are a lot of dumb business people who are mostly progressive when it comes to rights, but don’t care that much about those things. They do have it ingrained in their heads that Republicans spend less and deficits get smaller under their rule and worry about spending under Democrats and that Republicans are overall better for the economy. Thus they want a Republican setting the federal budget.

I’m trying to come up with a rational response to this that doesn’t just sound like a NYT reporter after visiting a small town Indiana diner and I’m struggling.

The best analogy I’ve got is that they’re like the people who are otherwise smart and capable but fall for an obvious scam. They chose to hear the parts they wanted to hear and ignored all the red flags. And because our government, even under the dems, is so ineffective at solving even our most basic of problems, they didn’t really notice they felt for a load of bullshit.

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Democrats REALLY need to go on offense fighting that.

As much as I didn’t want to see him at the DNC, that line from Clinton about 50 million jobs created under D presidents and 1 million under R presidents needs to be blasted from the rooftops.




What the fuck is Big Village?




Making the world a better place is a cooperative effort. Eschewing cooperative effort is not making the world a better place. It’s refusing to do anything. I can wholeheartedly agree with the ideas espoused by good men, without allying myself with the “do nothing” party. Because they demand that we do nothing. Because after all, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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No idea, but ranked 162nd by 538.

My aunt and uncle live in that district. They have palm trees that look like ejaculating dicks when they decorate them with Christmas trees.

Surprised DeSantis hasn’t come down hard on that.

Probably refuse to vote for a black woman