2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


This is the place.

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This is what we’re saying, they’re not all bad!

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This seems like a galaxy brain take. “Nothing is as it seems. It’s always a grift.”

Nah. They generate a few liberal laughs but at what cost? Giving gifting right wingers more money doesn’t fall in the helping category. They’re lib-washing their image so that people forget that they are still the enemy.


It’s the gotta hand it to ISIS meme but with Republicans

One can never purity test one’s allies enough. Can’t let the Judean people’s front get away with their bad faith foolishness. I am very smart.

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Who is purity testing

And who is whose ally

How do we know you’re not a cop!

Their image, or whether they are personally enriching themselves, means absolutely nothing to me. Their impact on the election is all that matters, and I determine it to be greater than zero.

You see them and get mad at them, so you don’t think they have any impact. I see their tweets getting spread around (and spread them myself sometimes) and think they do have an impact. If it’s a good attack on Trump, I don’t care where the message came from.

I’ll take all the ex-Republican Never Trumpers on twitter we can get. It’s not like they’re getting a spot in future Dem administrations out of this.


Dude, it’s a scam


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Ehhhhhh I hope not

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I’ve never donated a dollar to them, but I’ve shared their attacks on Trump. Am I getting scammed?

No but you are effectively signal boosting advertising for a scam.

It’s unsurprising but disappointing that the majority of centrists, and probably liberals, view Project Lincoln as more of an ally than pro Gaza protestors. Trump derangement syndrome is a thing


I don’t make judgements about who’s an ally and who’s not. I care about Trump losing the election.

I care about Gaza. I know that if Trump wins Gaza is even more turbo-fucked than it is now. I don’t know why the Dems aren’t doing more to stop it, but I suspect they think the calculus is they’ll lose the election if they do (at which point again, things will get much worse for Gaza).

I also care a lot about Ukraine, who also will be turbo-fucked if Trump wins. And I care about trans people, and women. Winning the election is the beginning and end of my concern right now.


So everyone else is just seeing this and thinking, “I must donate to these people, they do good work” and I’m the only one who thinks, “That is a good line of attack on Trump, I hope it spreads”? Somehow I doubt that.


We might have a cease-fire right now if it wasn’t for Trump.


Good to see that Georgia number. Felt like they had all been pretty negative for a bit.

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