2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


I donā€™t buy it. But if it happened, I think it would be an error on Trumpā€™s part. Itā€™s to his advantage to have a televised event that could change the trajectory of the race; the current trajectory is not good for him. Iā€™d be happy if there was ultimately no debate.


Sure. Heā€™s got to do something. Do you think his floor is stable? Or could he start to bleed voters? I think his floor is stable and so he has only upside if he debates. Even a terrible performance wonā€™t cost him anything, though it would increase Harrisā€™ odds.

Yeah I think he does it because heā€™s still likely to be slightly behind in all the polling.

Yes, I think his floor is essentially totally immovable, which is why I think heā€™s legitimately impossible to blow out. And even if his floor is movable, a competitor who is not in great shape should always lean toward embracing variance if there isnā€™t another clear path to make gains.


Theyā€™re good at this





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From replies


No, letā€™s not, please!ā€¦Except for the cricket ones about rain and clotted cream.
At least the cricket ones are funny (and I fkn hate cricket; itā€™s easily as boring as baseball). But theyā€™re funny.

Donā€™t think so. Trump chose Vance!
What are the odds Trump would ever admit to being wrong about choosing Pee Wee Herman as a better basketball player than Michael Jordan?

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ā€œturns out thereā€™s some very bad stuff I didnā€™t know about. Heā€™s very bad with the women. I love womenā€

haha. Yeah. Thatā€™s about his standard out.
But then heā€™d be replacing Pee Wee Herman with Mr Magoo.

I mean I donā€™t think this will happen, but it wouldnā€™t be terribly difficult to just force Vance to drop out with some behind-the-scenes shenanigans. If a Republican crosses Trump, Trump can end their career in almost every instance, so Vance is unlikely to have any cards to play if it came to this.

Well its like you have been running ahead for almost the entire length of Rainbow Road, right at the finish line there comes the blue shell


You know whatā€™s awesome and incredibly refreshing? Kamala Harris telling the so-called mainstream media to fuck off. No news cycles based around their tedious bullshit, no stupid ass Sunday show bullshit, just completely refusing to play their stupid game.


Yes, this! Kamala is crushing right now, why open herself up to variance like that? Itā€™s similar to why she shouldnā€™t talk to the media.

She threw the gauntlet down back when there was still ground to make up. Backing out of it now would probably be the only way the ā€œwhy isnā€™t she doing interviews?ā€ thing would ever become a salient point with a significant amount of the public. It is what it is. Itā€™s happening unless he dips. I donā€™t actually think thereā€™s a whole ton of danger involved because I donā€™t think thereā€™s basically any chance that she full-on collapses in it or something. And obviously it could easily go well. But it could go a little bit badly, could get a picked apart ungenerously, etc., and every point counts in a race like this.

Otherwise, I have to think she agrees with the thinking that these are of no particular help to her. Thatā€™s why the Trump/Vance team have repeatedly pushed for multiple debates and her campaign has twice responded with ā€œLOL no.ā€ Though I guess they have left the door open to negotiate another Presidential debate ā€œif Trump shows up for this one.ā€

right, thereā€™s no way heā€™s ever going to admit he made a mistake. Kavanaugh was all you need know about this, he literally had a list of replacements who would vote exactly the same but hadnā€™t raped a girl in high school and didnā€™t have billions in gambling debts, but once heā€™s spoken the name it is Correct and there will be No Dissent from the camp.

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zero chance

ā€œheā€™s very popular, theyā€™re the weird onesā€ he will literally go to the bottom of the ocean saying this

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