2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

this is the biggest one, a grand total of zero regular voters watch this navel gazing bullshit, it literally does not matter one bit to actual human beings

I watched the whole thing, really liked it.

I then proceeded to share it with a crypto buddy, with whom I talk politics every now and then. Unlike many crypto bros heā€™s not outright MAGA, but definitely has some views I find unsettling. Heā€™s always willing to engage though, is a nice guy, and isnā€™t offended when I push back or call him out.

In short order:

  • referred to Emmitt Martin, and how he kinda understands how these cops think when they have a shitty salary and a family at home, that they shoot the coke heads when they refuse to listen.

  • has trouble with the term of institutional racism. ā€œOn average [black Americans] make a lot of trouble, while Asian are way more successfulā€. When I pushed back, he asked how having less opportunities is an excuse to misbehave, and how you canā€™t keep hiding behind being ruled (owned) by a white elite hundreds of years ago.

There were some other things, like what my ā€œtheoryā€ is why Africa is so poor and backwards. At this point I called a time out, because I couldnā€™t keep up with addressing all the racist nonsense that was coming out, and I was getting upset. This guy is funny, smart, successful, my own nationality (not US), my own age, has a young kid the same age as mine, and I completely struggle to find a common ground to dismantle the outrageous things heā€™s saying.


I really donā€™t think we know how this situation winds up going if Lindsey Graham doesnā€™t speak up and rally the troops by essentially saying he wouldnā€™t even consider turning against the nomination over the rape allegations. It seemed like Senate Rs were in a mood to back down right after Dr. Ford testified, not because they had any big moral qualms but because of how bad of a look it would be. And then LG comes in with ā€œwho even cares about rape allegations?!?ā€ and they all looked at each other and went, ā€œWait, you can do that?ā€ And then it was over. Based on how I remember that sequence going, I donā€™t think there was really a point in time where Trump would have really had to consider backing down (unless he would have chosen backing down over winning, whichā€¦cā€™mon).

Oh I agree backing out is not good now that she has thrown the gauntlet. She should have never done it in the first place. She should have just pointed out the obvious and say, ā€œnah, heā€™s not worth debating, watch me hit this drive!ā€

Meh, feels like hindsight bias. She wasnā€™t winning at the time and I donā€™t think people really expected the polls to rally quite that quickly. If you knew that the launch of a Harris campaign would go this smoothly, you had more foresight than I did.

Sheā€™s capable on a debate stage and can probably do fine even against an opponent who is unusually difficult to debate when you consider that heā€™s dumber than the average random person in the phonebook. Also the ABC debate had been scheduled ā€œfor all eligible candidatesā€ even though that has been understandably shorthanded by observers to ā€œBiden and Trumpā€ since they were the only realistic qualifiers when the agreement was made, so even though she definitely had the option of saying no (even just in a quick press release), she would have been in a position of having to either make a proactive move of saying no or yes. Choosing yes was reasonable under the circumstances. It will probably work out okay. Itā€™s just not what I choose if I had a crystal ball and knew exactly how well the launch would go.


oh yeah, I mean Iā€™m not trying to say he can make it happen through sheer will alone, he definitely needs his useful idiots, but he wasnā€™t going to withdraw the nomination unless it was 100% dead, at which point he could blame the failure on any number of other people.

I just donā€™t think debates are ever worth it unless you are getting crushed and you need to interject some variance. I think debates serve more benefit to media organizations than the candidates.

the more you consider this, the more accurate it getsā€¦



Always has been.

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Probably wrong thread. Oh well.

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41 different people for the 23 cabinet level positions in his administration.

That said, I donā€™t think Vance will be replaced unless Thiel agrees.

I mean maybe Iā€™m wrong, maybe he will back out. Perfectly happy with it if he does.


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I think heā€™s laying the groundwork more to attack the moderators and ā€œriggedā€ debate process at the debate, and have a built-in excuse should he ā€œloseā€ the debate. Still donā€™t think he drops out if heā€™s 1-2 points behind in most battleground polls.

This all has very 2016 Deja vu vibes. I hope Iā€™m wrong.

As for the debate I think trump cancelling would be awesome. I canā€™t think of a single good thing that could come from a debate for Harris. Its all potential downside.


the NYT numbers from this morning seem to agree with this sentiment and are leaning Harold

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I take it these are just averages from prior polls? Iā€™m not seeing any new polling from them this morning.

If this is true it is very dumb. It just lets trump filibuster the entire debate.

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