2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Hot take incoming: in a world where we have the internet, I’m not sure we need the mail system in its current form.

Those are the best vibes for me.


Couldn’t even order donuts like a normal person.

“Give me a dozen”

A dozen what mfer do you like any donuts?


538 sans Nate is not great


somebody posted yday about the 1 black guy in the focus group that was “undecided” switched to trump after the dnc…

seems he wasn’t actually undecided, who could have saw that coming?


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If it were the New York Times they would have had 3 Republican party chairs listed under the occupation of ‘manager at local non profit’


Would be mostly true, but USPS does more than just letters

Having watched it, it was incredibly obvious. Of course, I don’t think most of these people are undecided. I think they’re just thirsty to get on TV for some reason.


But Amazon relies heavily on the post office to deliver their packages. The post office is open on Sunday just for Amazon.

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This upsets me more than it should.

Like choosing which donuts to get and which not to get is a serious fucking question on which I devote significant time and mental space.

This couch fucking cockroach in a human suit just spits on all that I hold dear


Yeah that’s the “in its current form” part.

One thing I know is that 95% of the mail that the USPS brings to my house is advertisements that I do not want.

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Decent, but (unless it’s a test) the bowling team are very likely to win in this scenario and you can’t really lose on wickets if you’re up runs. Test would most likely be another draw.

Sorry all, but I now can’t resist writing my own crappy cricket analogy:

It’s a test match at Headingly. You’re 29 behind with 8 wickets down and 8 overs left. You have a decent middle order batsman at the non-striker’s end and one of your two worst facing New Zealand’s jaded but primary strike bowler. The light is fading but the bounce remains surprisingly regular. The current ball is pitching slightly too short but on a reasonable line. There’s a man at silly point, but a gap through extra cover. The batsman goes for it, completely screws it up but slices it over gully for 4. The crowd go wild…

TLDR: The batting team (us) are very slight favorites and have inexplicably seized the momentum

Bonus quote:
George Bernard Shaw: “The English are not a very spiritual people, so they invented cricket to give them some idea of eternity.”


Nah it’s a normal process most normal people have experienced and when some guy who wants you to like him has no idea how to choose donuts, it’s weird and really off putting.

Not to mention he couldn’t maintain a real conversation with the employee while he was not choosing donuts.

I’m optimistic that she will be.

I’m basing this mostly on the fact that she picked Walz. It was a big decision and she could have gone with a more boring establishment pick.


Biden will go down in history as amazingly effective given the had he was dealt. Way beyond expectations. On foreign policy he might be the GOAT.



see final quote.

Ehhh with Gaza nah

Yeah that’s a big negative.

(Note I had two bottles of wine at dinner tonight)