2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

2.5 months is a long damn time unfortunately. The horse race media is dying for an email scandal to blow up into somehow worse than J6.

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I have to admit it feels a little weird to be disagreed with for being too optimistic. I think something might be wrong with me these days. I just have some semblance of hope for the first time in a long time and those pathways in my brain are completely burned up/withered to the point I am maybe going too far the other direction.

I am honestly expecting to be celebrating by 9-10pm on election night like it was 2008 all over again and really not that worried about the election anymore for some reason. Itā€™s a very new type of feeling for me but I have to admit I like it a lot more than being a doom and gloomer (even if that was the reality at the time).


God I hope so because I would really hate to Kamala to squeak out a win but be stuck with a Republican Senate and get blamed for things going shitty when they block everything and shut down the government

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4.41 runs pitch, that would be pretty impressive.

yeah you are definitely banking on a 3 or 4 wide/no balls per over

I think itā€™s a blowout as it sits now, just gotta fade bad shit between now and then

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Roger Stone has been completely absent from the scenes this cycle, I wonder what shenanigans he and his cronies are up to.


lol ā€œPresident Trump said heā€™d negotiate with Putin and end the war overnightā€¦this alone is enough to endorse himā€. Clown show.


This shit it is so dumb with trump and Ukraine, trump will end it quick, yea no shit bro he will just give russia whatever they want, if we wanted that we could do it now


JD Vance ordering a Coke: ā€œI want sugarā€¦in water.ā€


Noted political theorist Daniel Negreanu agrees.

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Seats 19k. Good luck with that cast of speakers.

I guess Democrats were pretty confident in 2012 and 1996, but perhaps the only time in recent memory they were this confident was 2016.

i feel the same way.

to keep the shitty sports analogies going, this reminds me of how i felt an hour before michigan played the championship game last year.

being down 7 with 3 mins to go against alabama after making some really DUMB plays was the first debate up until biden dropped out.

scoring the last possession of regulation, scoring first in overtime and stuffing them on 4th and goal was kamalaā€™s first month.

now, washington has an nfl qb, nfl wide receivers, theyā€™re undefeatedā€¦. but like me and every michigan fan i know knew what was about to happen.

thatā€™s kinda how i feel about the election. the VIBES after two long donovan edwards tdā€™s, like thereā€™s still 3 quarters left, they got all that firepower and itā€™s only 14-3, but we knew what was about to happen.

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Itā€™s like being up 23-21 with ten seconds left and you have to do is get the punt off.


For every ridiculous 99.9 to 0.1% scenario for a sports game to get flipped, thereā€™s a corresponding election where the dems have lost.

Itā€™s more like youā€™re tied coming home with hammer and on skip rocks and they have one half buried around the corner guard at the edge of the 12. Your skip has great draw weight so it seems simple enough, but itā€™s humid outside and youā€™re the last game on the ice and thereā€™s signs of frost starting to show up and the pebble is really worn down so you never know.


The thing about 2016 is we were still having to have the ā€œGun to your head, would you rather eat a bowl of rancid meat or a bowl of nails and broken glass?ā€ discussion.

We were having that conversation again before Biden dropped out. Weā€™re not anymore.

I donā€™t want to see anymore rancid meat vs. nails and broken glass elections.


Arguably in some ways 2020 wasnā€™t far off from that either. This is a whole different ballgame. We havenā€™t seen enthusiasm like this on the Dem side since 2008. And Trump is a tired old man without additional tricks up his sleeve (yes russia and/or states controlled by GOP gremlins could be a trick but not one Donald himself personally controls).