2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I get the feeling his heart is not really in it. He mostly just wants to rant about immigrants ruining the country which he obviously really believes. Partly he was expecting a coronation against Biden and now its Kamala he cant be bothered. I also think the assassination near miss affected him quite a bit. That is something I think is under-discussed actually. The discussion was mostly meta-level about how voters would respond. What about how a guy who is a narcissist right down to the bone responds to nearly getting capped? Is he really going to want to get out and do campaign work?


If she up 1.5 percent with only some rural counties outstanding, Iā€™d snap take that. Hard to have have enough votes to make up the difference.

If Harris wins, it will be a 28-3 comeback situation, considering where things were with Biden.


lol of course I meant to make that 49.7 Trump, I just edited it.

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Seems very bizarre to me that these little interactions arenā€™t cleared before they do them. If I was running this stuff I would send out a scout beforehand so that they only interact with people who are happy to do a free ad for a malevolent freak.

I would be quite surprised if this isnā€™t the completely standard practice of a well-run campaign, and these incompetent boobs just skipped that part.

I mean, they apparently released the damn video voluntarily. This isnā€™t a hostile bystander with a phone posting it to social media. Easy to imagine one of these going awkwardly even with a normal candidate, but then we wouldnā€™t see the video if there was even a hint of self-awareness in the campaign.


Have we heard anything about the Republican Ground Operation?

I know their funding numbers havenā€™t been great this cycle.

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I think he also tried to get the Daily Show job.

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Last thing I heard is that they donā€™t have one.

I hope Iā€™m wrong but I think theyā€™re going to go full ā€œtheyā€™re stealing the electionā€ and will end up actively encouraging violence.


Trump way too narcissistic to think heā€™s cooked. Heā€™s annoyed by the change and the news reporting on Kamala but probably still believes heā€™s way ahead and the polls that say otherwise are wrong, like they were in previous cycles. He also probably still thinks Kamabla is a sick burn because heā€™s now selecting for sycophants rather than competence when it comes to his team.

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lol at think the 1988 electorate looks anything like todays.


You just know that Trump could be talked into an Abrams tank


If his heart is no longer into campaigning, it means heā€™s moved on to maximizing his chances of winning outside the ballot box by whatever means necessary.

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It definitely doesnā€™t; the last part is what is salient. They emptied their clip into someone who isnā€™t the person they have to beat. This election would clearly be in worse shape if the Republicans got the rebuttal convention.


I wonder if they were just trying to figure out what to do and either decided to not hire any new people to save money or knew they could Stewart back for light duty and didnā€™t have any money to hire new people?

Hereā€™s the thing though, do you have any confidence that his campaign is remotely competent at this?

Last time around it seemed like the most he could come up with was:

ā€“A phone call saying ā€œhey just find me a bunch of extra votes, will ya?ā€

ā€“A bunch of lawsuits that all got laughed out of the courtroom

ā€“Him going ā€œwoo hoo, go nuts guysā€ when his fans happened to storm the Capitol for him, essentially unplanned

I mean not that there isnā€™t gonna be systemic voter suppression from the state powers-that-be, and intimidation tactics by douchebag MAGAs and whatever else, but why do we think Trump and his campaign have any tricks up their sleeves?

I argue that he actually didnā€™t even want to win 2016 and was doing exactly what you think heā€™s doing now.

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Well in that case it is even more fucked up. She specifically says she dosenā€™t want to take part! He says to cut the whole thing out! Its not a public space either - they donā€™t have the right to take video if she asks them not to.