2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

This is why we have the 2nd am


(45 second video of Vance in a donut shop)

Good god, the guy is literally incapable of even a short interaction that seems human. The comments are worth the price of admission.




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Who is DL Hugely


Couch fucker: Iā€™m running for vice president

Donut lady who fucking hates him: okay


Comedian and actor, though he hasnā€™t been particularly relevant in about 20 years. Heā€™s done stuff recently, but his peak was starring in the show ā€œThe Hughleysā€ from 1998-2002.

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Man say what you want about Trump but nobody has ever posted thru it like this guy. Nobody.


After that horrible woman, Kamablaā€¦ I call her Kamabla because sheā€™s so nastyā€¦ viscously attacked me at the failed Democrat convention, a great manā€¦ they call him the Rivermanā€¦ came to me, with tears in his eyes, a river of tearsā€¦ and you know maybe thatā€™s why heā€™s the Riverman, I
donā€™t knowā€¦ He said, Sir! Nobody has ever posted thru it like you, nobody. And you know, itā€™s true. Sad but true. So true. So true.


You were not kidding. I was dying omfg

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Good find. The comments are incredible. People hate this guy


This whole election reminds me of those horrible sports moments where you are up big. Cocky as hell. Everything is going right and you just know you can coast the game in for an easy win. And then on a dime things turn and itā€™s so unsettling that you go on tilt, never recover, the other team suddenly canā€™t miss and catches every break and ultimately you lose in humiliating fashion.

I think Trump knows he is cooked and will spend the last 2+ months continuing to flail desperately trying to stop the momentum and he gets blown out. Maybe Iā€™m being naive but I would be very surprised if he can actually weather the storm here. Very few politicians could imo.


His actually ernest-seeming introduction and her absolutely deadpan and perfectly timed ā€œOKā€ is something sent from the heavens.



Sporting events donā€™t make for great analogies to Trump elections because thereā€™s no built-in mechanism in sports to ensure that a team can never go down by double digits at any point in the contest, but there is an immovable Trump base that has set roots deep into the ground and will put an absolute ceiling on how much he could lose by.

If thereā€™s a sports analogy then the one Iā€™d be more inclined to think of is the one where your team has thoroughly outplayed the other team and the scoreboard simply doesnā€™t reflect it, and youā€™re left scratching your head and going, ā€œHow are we only up by one possession??ā€

I like Harrisā€™s chances, but this shit is never going into cruise control.


Donā€™t make me tap the sign. points to olā€™ donny wriggling out of a jam tweet


With the way the polls have been going (Iā€™ll see some really strong ones, then a string of meh polls that remind me itā€™s probably way too close for comfort), it feels more like a football game where youā€™re in the 4Q and you know youā€™ll be in good shape if you can just go up 2 scores at some point, but juuuust canā€™t quite get there.

And you just know itā€™s gonna end with your team facing a 4th and inches up 4, and you reluctantly kick the FG to go up 7 with like 1:55 left, and then watch with dread as your most hated QB (Brady, Rodgers, whoever) goes to work. Thatā€™ll be all of us watching PA as the last too-close-to-call deciding state on Tuesday night, with Kamala up 50.3-49.7 with a bunch of rural counties still to be counted or something.

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I mean dont get me wrong I dont think it will ever go into cruise control. I guess I disagree that Trump has a base large enough to ensure itā€™s close though. The enthusiasm gap is large and getting larger by the day. If Kamala turns out anywhere near Biden numbers from 2020 she is going to blow him out. Trump will not turn out as many voters as he did last time. These elections arenā€™t about your base really but about getting normies that lean your direction to actually vote rather than abstain. Kamala is crushing Trump there imo.

I may be an idiot but if the election was today I donā€™t think we are sweating PA. Not even close. I mean the guy narrowly beat Hillary and Tim Kaine back when he was 10x more lucid and fresh. He lost to unexciting geriatric Biden. He now has a meme as a vp and a stale campaign. He isnā€™t beating these two.