2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Also if it really looks like it’s going down like that Trump will disavow him, which would be funny and complicated.

I still can’t believe the GOP went with that guy in NC.

I’m all gloom and doom and even I’d be surprised if he won.

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You can’t believe they went with the current lieutenant governor?

I can’t believe they went with that guy for any elected office. So I can’t believe that they supported him for Lt. Gov. I guess once we he’s there you kind of have a Biden situation where it’s his turn. But knowing what a nutjob that guy is, they probably should have pulled a Pelosi and ended him. That they didn’t do that is more believable, I suppose.

Was curious about how Robinson became the LG there. Couldn’t find much; he won the primary pretty comfortably, I’m guessing specifically by being the most extreme, and then I imagine he won the general by being far enough down the ticket in a red-leaning state that people didn’t know what they were voting for.

Anyway, in trying to find info, I did run into this little nugget.

He claimed that the movie Black Panther was “created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic marxist [sic]. How can this trash, that was only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets, invoke any pride?”

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That might get a few of them to stay home. Margins are razor thin there. We dont need much

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The initial headlines have not been clear to me, and I haven’t read the order myself, but the subsequent reactions appear to point to this mostly being a defeat for GOP suppression efforts despite certain scraps being thrown their way.




If jd was smart he would put out a calendar with him on a different couch each month.


Not that it was hard but DING DING DING I got the 3 dissenting justices correct on the first try!

Obviously the two insurrectionists.

I’m torn between Kavanaugh and Gorsuch for the 3rd, leaning Kavanaugh.

This def. seems in Gorsuch’s range


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Checking in on greearrrrrrr



I assume the subject of children loving their parents and vice versa is a touchy one for grear.


Incredible. I haven’t been on 2p2 in years. Is greear still there? Does he lean into his bigotry over there or does he stay civil?

It still amazes me we are nearly 20 years into widespread social media and we haven’t figured out how to make it a non toxic space.

Just regulate the fucking thing.

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but muh freezepeach

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Please let this backfire. I could easily see this affecting either old people or libertarian leaning people more than the Hispanic people they are trying to bar.