2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I thought it was over 50% scary in the burbs

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Who is this kid I never heard of him until this week

Who the fuck is this kid? Heā€™s wise beyond his years.

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This expression needs to die. A lot of the really old people I know are dumb as fuck.


"ā€œWhile other states were banning books from their schools, we were banishing kidsā€™ hunger from ours.ā€

Thatā€™s a good line


Fortunately, the kid is young, so beyond his years can be a 30-something. Of course, many of them are dumb too. People are dumb in general.


If RFK is offered a cabinet position (and hasnā€™t this been reported?) I could see it mattering more


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Yeah, is there a single major city in Maine 2? Getting rural support even in a plaxe like Maine could be a huge bellweather.

That depends on your feelings on Bangor and Lewiston.

Isnā€™t Portland like 75k? I wouldnā€™t even consider that a major city.

I live in the third largest municipality in my state. It has under 18,000 people.

75,000 would be a metropolis here.

Pretty sure Maine has no cities with over 100K. I think Portland is the bigfest aroubd 60 or so, and Bangor/Lewiston are probably closer to half that

Tallest building is the smallest in the country including Alaska and Wyoming lol. 11 stories!!!




Did they really finally find a guy so toxic and hypocritical that even GOP voters will reject him? My levels of hopium are getting dangerously high.

The governorā€™s race? NC has a two-term Dem governor right now. Narrow margins, but still. Wonā€™t be any real shock if it runs that way again with this open seat.

For a hard-core Trump/MAGA guy to get slaughtered that badly in NC would be significant imo. If heā€™s that disliked it will be a drag on Trump.

Yeah true, I can buy that. The last two NC governor elections were Dem +0.2 and then Dem +3.5, so if itā€™s actually even approaching double digits without even an incumbent candidate in play then thatā€™s big.