2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

like, wow, low energy there donald, sad!

like what exactly did trump do that kept “low income towers” from being built in the suburbs exactly? All of a sudden in 2016 this was just about to suddenly happen all over the country when it’s never happened and thank god trump pushed the “no low income towers” emergency stop button?

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Just imagine Mike Johnson at the RNC boringly talking about the importance of the rules and decorum during the roll call voting. Then a couple of fossils reading their states votes for Trump. Then cut to Lil Jon at the DNC.

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I can click through to the poster’s profile and find it buried in their list of videos but that’s it

yes they did a low-energy roll call ON PURPOSE, that’s the ticket

Saw a version of this on Twitter this morning that probably encapsulates it.



This does not seem ideal. I guess rate cuts are coming.

BLS preliminary estimate revises down employment figures by 818,000.


He placed himself on local zoning boards?

This really does a lot to make up for the Macarena from 28 years ago.

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We can laugh at the RNC, but as of exactly one month ago today, the mood of the DNC was going to look a lot like that.



It’s been a month and he’s still so pissed he doesn’t get to run against Biden.



For people who don’t want to click through. It’s amazing.


lol @ Movie “Star” George Clooney.

Home Alone 2 guest star Donald Trump is mad.


The one thing that makes me sad in light of last night is that I kind of suspect that “the affirmative action of generational wealth” - an absolutely brilliant zinger laser-targeted at Trump himself (even if not only applicable to him) - is probably a bit advanced for Trump to understand, so he probably never even got pissed at it.


I guess Kamala flew on an Osprey and not everybody thinks that’s a good idea for AF2. Idk they seem pretty neat. I recently saw a flight of three of them over SLC probably headed up to Hill AFB. Giant rotors, twin tails. Took me a few seconds to realize what they were.

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Jesus H Christ, why would she do that? She should not be on one of those death traps under any circumstance.


Whenever POTUS of VPOTUS come to LA I see and hear Ospreys fly over my house a couple of times, I think maybe they transport the armored vehicles on them or something? Anyway the sound is unmistakable once you’ve heard them a couple of times, a very deep/heavy rotor sound.

y’all got anymore of them polls?

It’s been AAAAAGES!!!

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I imagine there’s a lull during convention week where pollsters completed whatever they’re going to do in advance of it and now are waiting to go back into the field for comparison afterward. Release something now and I’m just going to shrug and wonder what it would look like if it was conducted a handful of days later.

Cool. I hadn’t seen one in person before the other day. They were flying with the rotors set for horizontal flight and I thought htf do those things land before it came to me what they were.