2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I have a few minor complaints, but this is actually a really good list.

Yeah, she good.

Been a while since I heard her speak, couldn’t even remember that she’s got a small lisp. Good to see that it doesn’t hold her back whatsoever.

She did that the night before with Biden.

Michelle Obama is like a Bo Jackson level talent

Haha nothing is landing


The woman they cut to for reaction is too perfect.



I just can’t help watching that clip over and over and over. The way the line is written. The way it’s delivered. The way she repeats “I wanna know” and “who’s gonna tell him” because she’s wants the crowd to settle down and hear her deliver the knockout blow. The head tilt at the end, with a look to the direct camera. It’s an entire masterclass.


I really think Sweet Home Alabama is a song the Democrats should avoid



Kind of the problem when you work from first principles and don’t actually survey reality, you can just believe whatever you want as long as it makes a kind of sense in your head.

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Michelle crushed it. That opening talking about mourning the dimming of hope for the future is how every Democrat has felt for so long. It’s risky to say to some extent because it kind of throws Biden under the bus but it’s 100% the truth.

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Suburbanites don’t want to keep poor people away? Or politicians don’t do that for them?

They definitely do, but even more than that they want an environment where they and their daughters can they can get whatever reproductive health services they need.

Well some care more about one of those things than the other, and it is frighteningly close to 50/50.

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It’s crazy to thank that in early 2033, my kids will be 24 and 26 years old and it is entirely possible that they will have known Black US presidents for more than half of their lives.

:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


He delivers “Plunder rape slaughter and destruction” like hes reading a Dennys menu at 2 Am. You’re talking about people in the suburbs being burglarized, raped, and murdered man. Show a little passion.


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So these tiktok imbeds arent working for anyone else, right?


Right. Used to work fine but now can’t even click through to open it elsewhere.

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well they’ve totally desensitized the entire population because they literally call everything “ultra liberal” or “the most radical marxist ever,” they literally use these terms if someone cuts them off in traffic, it’s 100% meaningless outside of the koolaid drinkers who are programmed to get mad about it anyway


could have been worse, they could have gone with Dixieland Delight

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