2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

VP debate set for 10/1.




(Reminder that Fox News polling is legitimate polling with an unfortunate association.)


Is it set?


Hm, yeah, I was going off a fundraising email from Harris/Walz, so this could just be a way to call JD a coward.

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A “Man” a “boy” and a “heck”

Feels a bit cringe.


genuine question, everyone in media always talks about the national head-to-head polls, but why do those polls matter? Are they meaningful as like, vital signs? To the extent polls matter don’t we just care about the states?

fair enough that the states aren’t independent events (e.g. if you lose PA then you’re not winning NC) but I never know what to do with national polls beyond I should be nervous if we’re up two and less nervous if we’re up six but either way, polls will be polls

I know they matter but it’s hard to shake feeling that a big part of it is looking at dots and calling them constellations

I think you’re entirely right and I proceed under the baseless assumption that conducting a national poll must be more economical for some reason just given that there are so many of them.

My wife is not a violent woman, but this angried up her blood.


Did you tell your wife that she’s been “diabolically lied to” and actually doesn’t understand what’s best for women as well as men do?




He’s simply a regular Appalachian guy talking about the extra features that came with his female, maybe you coastal libs are just out of touch with Real America.



“We’re not going to be doing one of these fake debates with no audience.” Who’s “we”? Trump has agreed to do exactly that.


I know this is the wrong thing to focus on, but all this evolutionary stuff really annoys me. Mainly because it’s completely wrong.

It’s economics 101 all over again. The two subjects give bros the opportunity to think they are smart while ignoring everything that didn’t make it into the non fiction book they picked up at the airport.

Edit. I mean the evolution of the menopause shows that old people, including women, provide incredible value to those around them in pre-industrial society. Mainly because they are smart and have built up a life time of knowledge and have a strong network of relationships. The menopause says nothing about the role of older men vs women in pre industrial society except that women die in childbirth and men don’t.

Boiling this down to “looking after their grandkids” is stupid.

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Also, he praises his MIL for making an economic sacrifice by taking a sabatical from her job as a PHD biologist in order to help with the kid so that his lawyer wife could go do her high-powered clerkship.

A) Are we sure the MIL actually made an economic sacrifice, or did her job offer paid sabaticals?

B) if the MIL couldn’t help, would JD have told his wife to kneecap her career by giving up that fancy clerkship and all the connections and future earning power that came with it?

C) Since JD places such a value on staying home with kids and rejecting the “liberal economic analysis that tries to measure everything by GDP,” does he support work requirements for welfare recipients with children?

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Just because it’s the part that gets, uhh, haircut out of the preview here:

Harris and her advisers have not responded with an offer to meet or shown interest in the proposal.


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I mean I’ve heard academics make this argument about grandmothers, I think most recently in the book “Exercised” by Daniel Liberman. I guess that menopause is weird in that few animals go through it. Not to get into the merits, which are no doubt dubious, I find it odd that right wing Catholics are getting all teleological about evolution, though talking about nature’s purposes is perhaps just an updated version of standard (often race based) nineteenth century ways of understanding the natural order of the world.

What a weirdo

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When evolutionary pressure was strongest on Homo sapiens, probably not many women lived to post-menopause.


Yeah, that would be my baseline assumption. Organisms don’t like wasting energy and don’t solve for problems that rarely arise. However, I’d need to know a lot more about menopause to pretend to have any position. A huge problem with evolutionary psychology and evolutionary “explanations” generally is that most are “just so” stories that may be roughly plausible in a particular context, like a post industrial nuclear family society that isn’t indicative of anything.

I know JD got into Yale law school, but my baseline assumption is that he was a military/white trash “affirmative action” admit. I had high school friends who were at least as good as constructing a world where some aspect of conservatism was correct. (One also went to Yale and Yale law school, but his noteworthy talent was being a good quarterback and baseball player.)