2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Lots of people think “leadership skills” means being tough or belligerent (to say nothing of the enduring belief that you have to be white and male).


Someone smarter than me explain this verb here.

Haircut = reduction.

Yup, “I took a haircut on that trade” or there abouts is not good.




Does that say NC +1?



FU Nevada


Harris 51/49 with 65+ year olds?
Fuck you Activote


Arizona could have a trifecta Democratic government.

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If they don’t find a way to supress/alter/deny election results. I’m more worried about Republican Secretaries of state, Governors, etc., this time around than I am about Harris or Dems winning. They’ve had 4 years to figure out what we all know they want to do

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I’m shocked how overweighted youngs are vs olds underweighted in the raw data.

I assume the weighted value are from demographics? Or is there enthusiasm factor considered? Could youngs weighting move up a half a percent if they turn out stronger than usual (SSC says hi).

So basically white rural less educated MEN suck.

Thankfully not a concern with Arizona’s Governor/Secretary of State. Both Dems, both not facing re-election this year.

The battleground states mostly have Dems in charge aside from Georgia, where Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger showed pretty clearly in 2020 that they’re extremely unlikely to be a problem this time around either.

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jfc - I just got an election survey call and it took half a fucking hour. I’m working here!

Most of the questions were fairly neutral, but others made it clear it was concocted by a conservative group. One toward the end, especially, asking which candidate I would vote for based on their position on abortion: Harris, who apparently wants it legal all the way through the 9th month or Trump who, you know, just wants to leave it up to the states.

There was one question where I felt bad that I had to appear “negative” on the current administration. He asked if my financial situation has gotten worse or better in the last x number of years/months (don’t remember the number - I think it was six months). My answer was “worse,” but it’s not the government’s fault. In fact, it was a foreign company that relieved me of my services as a contractor.

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Team Kamala just tweeting out his insanity is so good.





Yeah, didn’t people here say that if Harris wins NC it’ll likely be a blowout?

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I did, im surprised how quickly it is advancing vs the rust belt though

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OMG, NYC. Wonder if there will be an audience

Did Vance agree?

Not yet afaik. He might want to dick around some before agreeing.