2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

The only thing I’m undecided about is how many times I’m going to vote for Kamala


This is a post that will be quoted when the right fabricates a huge voter fraud scandal.


There are definitely people who are so politically disengaged that they would struggle to even tell you who the President is, and they may still be prevailed upon to vote even when their default would be not to.

Agree that people who are at all engaged are lying if they claim to be undecided.


I can’t even remember Biden’s campaign ads beyond “orange man bad.” That and feeling like his main counter was to simply hold the line and pray for the best.

I am all for Kamala’s two phrases:

“We’re not going back!”


“When we fight, we win.”


The one that Sam Elliott voiced over was pretty strong.

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This one from three years ago? It’s pretty good but does have more old man vibes.

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Yeah that one. Just seemed like the perfect sort of general election pandering to the middle. Bonus points for getting Sam Elliott to do that while he was still playing an Archie Bunker-style conservative role on The Ranch.

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I still think of him as that bizarro liberal version of Ron Swanson on Parks and Rec, so it fits right in for me.


I disagree, just a little bit though. I think there are a (very) few people who love to think of themselves as ultra-rational, not beholden to parties like the mass of sheeple out there. They love to act like they do their own research, right up to the very end. (“I process all information, not just the information spoon fed to me by the media”).

However these people are mostly just attention seekers, and there are not enough of them to worry about. Aaron Rodgers types.

Many of them are lying to themselves, not to the pollster. They say they are undecided, but they’re voting for Trump, they just can’t admit it to themselves.

Agreed. Like you might find some undecided straight males 18-45 but they are really just trump voters who still wish to have sex.


I would take the over on about 80% of “undecided” voters not voting at all.




Too good to be true.



Good leadership skills:

Harris: 48 percent say yes, 47 percent say no;
Trump: 50 percent say yes, 49 percent say no.



“When asked about vice-presidential running mates, 59 percent of likely voters supporting Harris say the selection of Tim Walz makes them more enthusiastic about her candidacy, while 43 percent of likely voters supporting Trump say the selection of J.D. Vance makes them more enthusiastic about his candidacy.”

Thats better.

Also, lol get couch fucked, JD

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Sure, but Nate and Vance can grow decent beards. They’re just not doing it right.

Sick detective work here:


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Aww Caught By Weird Ass Capitalization Headlines.



EXCLUSIVE: Evangelicals For Harris drops their first media spot TODAY in an effort to win over some of those “on-the-fence” Conservative Evangelicals in swing states who are lukewarm when it comes to Donald Trump. You can watch it here first before it’s officially released. Many more are coming soon. The videos will start on social media and eventually make their way to TV in certain swing states. Specifically and most interestingly, Evangelicals For Harris will be targeting conservative Christian media websites. This is NOT just a play for liberal Christians. The group already has over 200,000 Evangelical Christians who have signed a pledge to volunteer and vote for the Harris/Walz ticket. Big Zoom call tonight FYI. They ain’t playin’.
Look, here’s a reality check. Donald Trump will get a HEFTY MAJORITY of the conservative evangelical vote. That’s a no-brainer but if you think an effort like this is laughable and a waste of time, you’re missing the larger political point. Elections are typically won at the margins, especially in the seven key swing states and so with that in mind, consider this.
In 2008, Barack Obama received 26% of the White Born Again Evangelical Vote and WON.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton received 16% of the White Born Again Evangelical Vote and LOST.
In 2020, Joe Biden received 24% of the White Born Again Evangelical Vote and WON.
If Kamala Harris gets 20% or more of the White Born Again Evangelical Vote (not out of the question), Trump will probably lose.

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Aw shoot. Well up 3% is still good!

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