2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


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One of Ohio, Florida, Texas would do it.

Seems like PA gets her almost all the way there.

Not sure you’re definition of old, but the pre-Boomer generation skews fairly liberal, at least moreso than Boomers. My Dad is in this generation and is a beatnik lefty for life.

All it would take is for one Republican to lose the EC but win the popular vote and if they have the power they will eliminate the EC in about 30 seconds.

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2016: Trump wins GA by 5 points.
2020: Trump loses GA

2020: Trump wins TX by 5 points.
2024: Trump loses TX?

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I’d be curious to see some actuarial tables on how many reliable R voters who reply to polls right now will be dead (or otherwise hospitalized and not vote) by the election, vs. the same amount of D poll-repliers.

We’re hitting that point where Boomers start to die off in droves. I just don’t see the gamer-bros bailing out the Republican party fast enough to keep up.



I thought about this in terms of the attacks on John Kerry’s service record vs Tim Walz.

In 2004, we still had plenty of WWII Survivors or at least way more people whose father, uncle, or other close friend or relative served in that war.

Now the prevailing oldest Americans are from the Vietnam Generation who have a much more complicated relationship with the concept of military service and just don’t default to “Anything but a 100% full effort and blind support of the US Military is a mortal sin” as their position

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Also the Republicans didn’t need to win with the Kerry Swiftboating. They just needed to null out GWB’s spotty service record. The purpose was to ease the cognitive dissonance of people who claimed to really care about war hero vs. draft-dodger status, but still wanted to vote GWB.

Well they both had spotty service records. C’est la vie!

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If they have to spend resources there, it’s a win. Remember, Trump is already siphoning off as many dollars as he can for his own needs (lawyers, greed, etc). So making him play defense at all in a red stronghold further limits effective as in the true battlegrounds.

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They also skew fairly dead.


Why do they need power? Should get bipartisan support.

Holy shit

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North Carolina

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This is a valid point, but my baseline assumption is that anyone who uses the term “the media” and then attributes some goal or agency to “the media” (as in “The ONLY people who want 18 month presidential campaigns are the media”) is a moron. It’s Trump and the gop’s favorite form of analysis, though one sees it everywhere, including here. In general, it’s the type of thinking that leads primitive tribes to explain the world in terms of tree spirits and weather gods.

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Actually, I think a shitload of Boomers absolutely do fall back to "Anything but a 100% full effort and blind support of the US Military is a mortal sin,” I know that because that’s exactly what they told us when they marched us off to Iraq.

I think Boomers have a perpetual masculinity crisis brought on by being the first American generation to lose a war. They didn’t become peaceniks, they bought AR-15s and Superduty pickup trucks and made it their life’s mission to scream at kids who want to dye their hair blue as a way of compensating for the fact that they can’t live up to their parents, the Greatest Generation.