2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I mean hell i am a cis white 18-45 year old and I’m mostly not a shithead. There are a lot of good people in that age group. Even the men sometimes.

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Trump got 52% there in 2020. More flippable that OH.

I wasn’t referring to EC totals, but more about if she wins a specific, flippable state the night is shaping up to be a blowout.

Harris can win one of Wisconsin, Georgia, or Arizona. (Nevada is too small to matter.) I can see her winning just one and it being any of them, but Wisconsin is the most likely and it seems hard to win that and lose Michigan and Pennsylvania.

The next states to flip are North Carolina, Florida, and Texas. If any of those flip, it seems guaranteed that Trump can’t win without legal shenanigans.


when texas ultimately flips, the GOP instantly decides the electoral college is bad, actually, right?


I think a lot of it is just testosterone driven. Democrats have the party of gay people, trans people, etc. Republicans are clearly the party of the macho jerks, and that’s what they identify with.


Eventually, first off will be like no dem has won Texas before, obv rigged!

I think knowing how different demographics lean is important, but it’s also important not to judge every book by its cover (not saying this is what you were doing). But I can’t tell you how many times I was playing with an old person and if I had to bet, would’ve put money on them being an asshole Trumper and it turned out they’re more liberal than I am. Not really, but I’m like how did this old dude come to have such progressive views?

This will sound snobby, but I really think it comes down to intelligence and exposure to education assuming you’re not an asshole

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this is good. need more.




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“Biden bashing” needs more context. Lots of us were Biden bashing here and we were still gonna vote for his corpse.




When it flips, the EC won’t even matter, but yes.

We tell ourselves that Texas is going to flip every election, it feels like.

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Any state that elects Ted Cruz is a lost cause.


yeah this, if she wins PA it’s probably gonna be a short night but it could still be a nail-biter, but if she ships NC you can just go ahead and go to bed right then.


I thought about that as I posted, but hoped it would be assumed that it was let’s go Brandon stuff.


Would he gain votes if he used it publicly?

Young gamers/Rogan bros might lean fascism, but I’d bet everything I own that that cohort actually votes much less than their age group overall. Andrew Tate is telling them not to vote. Rogan is telling them to throw their vote away.

I wasn’t fascist, but I was a nihilistic 22-year-old, sneering at anyone who earnestly thought they could make a difference. Both sides are the same, man. Kang vs. Kodos, etc. I didn’t vote, nor did any of my friends.

What is different now from my generation is there a ton more youngs engaged politically. Thank you Trump. Look at the stats from the previous elections. We haven’t seen youth vote like this since the 50s and early 60s. And the group that does vote leans left pretty hard.