2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

They mean something, obviously.

Guess this must be a new Ipsos poll then:





Looks like it. The recontact poll was 7/31-8/7.

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Kinda disagree a little, bullying an outgroup can be popular. With the trans hate stuff, it just doesnā€™t connect. Your average Midwest yambag almost never encounters openly transgender people, maybe their kidā€™s school has a trans kid? Hearing Fox News guys scream about mutilations and whatever apocalyptic moral panic theyā€™re spinning feels like it comes out of nowhere, itā€™s not a thing that affects their pocketbooks or their lives in any way.

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that (+5) always annoys me, like i can fā€™ing subtract. it makes me think sheā€™s gained 5 points from the last poll.


Previous was Harris 43-42 (July 26-28)

so the (+5) means sheā€™s up 5 or sheā€™s gained 5 since last time?

+4 from last time. Well, actually -1, itā€™s just that Trump is -5.


He is accepting this to get her to accept the Fox debate and then he will no show the abc debate.

You could say the same about illegal immigrants, yet Missourians sure seem terrified of them. Every Missouri Republican candidateā€™s primary ad was nothing but how quickly they were going to deport all illegal immigrants on day 1, including the state treasurer.

I see no good reason to agree to a FOX debate.


From her comments in last couple hours seems like sheā€™s will be open to other debates but only after the one on 10th


I read somewhere it was Pelosi who pushed for Walz and Schumer was on board with it. How nuts would it be if Harris and Walz wind up winning and go on to enact some positive progressive policies for a change and it was all because of two fossilsā€¦ Biden for stepping down, and Pelosi for forcing that issue and then pushing for Walz? Is this real life?

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And she has shown no inclination to walk into that.

True, but thereā€™s at least the connection that the immigrants are coming to steal your job, even in Missouri there are at least a few Hispanics visibly walking around. Itā€™s not clear what the transgenerder people are going to hurt you other than wild conspiracy theories that are very clearly unhinged weirdo shit.

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2 things from this interview with Bernie:

  1. Bernie is 82 and running for reelection. If 81 year old Biden presented the way Sanders does, this would be a totally different timeline.
  2. Bernie is a certified SICKO. This is queued up to a question about Trumpism breaking and he admits to watching Trumpā€™s speeches regularly!

Missouri hasnā€™t changed as much as most states, but it has gone from almost no Hispanic population to youā€™re going to see some sometimes. They must see that as an invasion.


