2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I mean that’s a pretty quick explainer. “Dril is some guy who posts on Twitter a lot and has gone viral a bunch of times. This is one of his most popular posts.” It’s not like a normie shouldn’t be able to quickly understand the joke.

It makes sense that this is the dril post that was relevant enough to use. Though in many cases, “you do not, under any circumstances, ‘gotta hand it to them’” would also work.


Holy shit, incredible


The next press release will preface something about Trump and Vance with, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the blowjob brothers.”


This is the kind of stuff we’ve wanted to see from dems for years. It’s so, so refreshing to see them playing ball on the court the game is being played on, as opposed to the court in Ma Norms Arena where they were just dunking on themselves and celebrating nonetheless.


The MSM is gonna absolutely hate it of course.


I’m not the only person confused about how all of a sudden they’re doing everything right, am I?

Who did they hire to implement this stuff? Where did they come from? Why did we wait until now to hire them? Are they going to stay?


They probably wanted to do this all along and were vetoed by the fossils?


I feel like the post will be impossible to find, but it was from someone I found credible. The comms for Team Harris are the same as the people running comms for Team Biden. I remember the tweet put two press releases out from a few days apart with the assertion that they were the same exact people in charge of both.

So from what I gather, Harris must have an appetite for this stuff that Biden didn’t. Biden would occasionally lean in and humor things like “Dark Brandon” or that great post-Super Bowl “just how we drew it up” post, but obviously he just didn’t have the comfort with the free-wheeling approach that Kamala has happily adopted.

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My God those people must have been so frustrated and must be having the time of their lives now that the leash is off.

“The right can’t meme” has been a thing for a long time and now it’s on the big stage.



Good thing he doesn’t know she’s black


Yeah Biden is still somehow a big believer in the idea that you can disagree ideologically but still get work done together even after he watched Republicans ratfuck Obama at every turn.




Screw you, we had nothing to do with that.


I think it’s generational shift.

In office settings I see a huge shift in approach and competence when millennial age folks start taking over. We are now at the point where 38 to 42 year Olds are now hitting their strides and really running campaigns.

There some real no fucks given energy.

Like someone suggested that Walz make the couch fucker joke. (Maybe himself) And a bunch of people sat around a table saying “yeah. Let’s do the couch fucking thing”

that’s so awesome.


I still want the couch-fucking thing to go away. I like the rest of the trolling a lot.

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Yeah. Maybe it’s over played. But a strategy of spend the whole time on offence throwing punches and missing a few is better than focus grouping yourself into risk averse mediocrity


Being actively hostile to people who are literally just trying to live their lives the way they want and aren’t hurting anyone is not a popular platform.