2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Damn it!


Considering they’ve voted Democratic every election yes. There’s not going to be a major realignment of party preferences not seen since the southern strategy. The polling that says the youth vote is going red is wrong.

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This guy is just astonishingly bad at this


Someone replied to a different tweet of his with “whoever is giving you campaign advice hates you”, which is perfect.


Whatever you say Ikes.

We live in the context that came before us, and young voters that went roughly 65-35 against Trump in 2020 and went against republicans 65-35 in 2022 midterms were never, ever going to suddenly flip to Trump.

This polling cycle has repeatedly been weird when it comes to age and race breakdowns

You didn’t read any of the posts again did you? We were talking about a poll with a 50/50 split. Why it’s a waste of time to discuss these topics with you. You just talk at people man.

That’s the flip I’m referring to homie. It ain’t going to be a 30+ swing to Trump. Not going to happen.

That’s only a 15 point flip?

Going from -30 to 0 is 30 imo but call it whatever, it ain’t happening

I actually agree it probably won’t happen now with Kamala and Walz. But thinking every poll is wrong and only you and your feelings are right is ridiculous. Also get out of your bubble and take a look around. A ton of the online influencer types are on team Trump. Thinking 15% of young people might have shifted toward Trump while inflation soared and Biden’s rotting corpse sat the iron throne is not even close to improbable.



1’ )Here are two:

The Earned Income Tax Credit (originally proposed by President Nixon in the form of a negative income tax) is a great help to poor workers and the middle-class.

School vouchers are an excellent way in my opinion to help low-income parents send their kids to quality schools.

2’) The bankers should have received zero bailouts and many of them should have been regularly drug-tested in their prison cells.

On a broader level, I think that the accusation that Republicans/Conservatives don’t do enough to help the poor is completely valid and justified.

In my opinion, Conservatives need to read (or re-read) Compassionate Conservatism by Marvin Olasky.

It’s not believable that things among that age group went 15 points towards Trump in the span of two years while the top line remains the same. You’re the one arguing with feelings here.

Ok I’m going to stop you here. I don’t think “every” poll is wrong. There are, in fact, quite a few polls showing youth vote splits essentially the same as 2022/2020. What’s odd is that there’s also substantial set of polls showing the change.

For example:


Those polls are older now, but that kind of split is still popping up. I’ve been taking about it for awhile now.

Every poll shows the same thing?

(Ok so we don’t play semantikes MOST of the polls show the same thing)

That isn’t even true as far as I can tell? A couple polls have said that and others have been more in line with what a reasonable person would expect.

Is this an actual debate or do you guys just not like each other and we have to watch?


Polls showing the same thing, as collated by scrolling politics polls on Twitter

Harris +31


Harris +10 (also not happening)


Harris -4

Even with the edit I don’t think it’s true. It’s a minority of polls people are freaking out about here afaict