2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

This didn’t come anywhere near close to happening in 2017-2020. Why would it if Trump wins again?

I belive the idea is that Trump is so awful that active revolt actually happens in the country.

It wont, but thats the idea.

There will never be a revolt as long as you can get a 50" TV for $99 on Black Friday.

We’re easily bought.


Secession isn’t a viable plan because it’s a rural-urban divide, not a red-blue one. One side needs to win completely.

There is undoubtedly some truth to this. The chasm between centrist Dems and Leftists is palpable just as it is between MAGA and Rinos. Both parties are irrevocably fractured.

What we need at a minimum is an alt right party, a leftist party, and a centrist party. Let the most popular party win imo

It’s even more than that, it’s a speculation that Trump is so awful that active revolt happens AND that the revolt is directed by people with specific left wing values AND that they succeed in revolting AND that they succeed in forming a successor government AND that the succeed in implementing their policies such that the produce the intended results. Anyone wtih serious experience and training on understand risk management and uncertainty knows that this is a terrible plan to put in action, but the heart wants what the heart wants.


I think the Dem machine gets it done.

Trump had to reach deeper into hearts in 2016 than Biden did in 2020.

Trump isn’t inspiring anybody new this time around and a portion of those he did in 2016 see him as a cuck because the race war didn’t happen and he didn’t get rid of the Mexicans. His reach extended to a population that doesn’t regularly vote.

Biden’s reach into white suburban women is far more replicable because they vote and the economy is doing great for them (even if some are in denial).

While I’m spewing optimistic nonsense I’ll add that it feels like Trump is never in the news these days. Can anyone give me a Trump line from 2024?

It took everything falling into place for him to win in 2016 even with being top of the news for over a year going into the election.

Nah, the MAGA and RINO branches want the same things, the RINOs just wish the MAGAs would be more polite about it.


2024 will just come down to turnout (duh). I would bet a lot on vote totals being lower this time than 2020. So who will lose more voters? I think that’s very hard to predict right now.

I think this is true right up to stability. The RINOs want to be more polite, but the ultimate goal of that politeness is stability. MAGA morons don’t care about stability because like Trump they can’t think about anything other than right now.

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I think Trump loses pretty handily because at the end of the day he’s the same dipshit from 8 years ago for swing voters and his schtick is boring.

It worked once as a meme vote, it’s not gonna work again.

Also nobody likes Hillary Clinton. Lots of people like Joe Biden. Voters are fickle and stupid.

I’m calling it right now. Joe’s gonna release 10 million quarts of rocky road from the strategic ice cream reserves and win in a landslide.



RINOs want to win by angle-shooting within the rules. MAGA just wants to flat-out cheat.

Nonsense. Even RINOs think the rules are only for the people they want to oppress. They will pretend to like rules in the service of stability, but they don’t really care.

They’ll use the most biased interpretation of the law with cherry-picked examples taken out of context to support it, but they won’t go beyond that.

Trump -180. That is all.

From what I understand of the POV:

  1. We are a frog in a pot/on a planet/in a country headed toward boiling.
  2. Dems might turn the heat down a little, but that just means we’ll sit still until we are truly cooked.
  3. Trump will turn up the gas and maybe we’ll realize it’s time to jump.

I dont agree with #3 because I think the baddies will just use the power we give them to put a lid on the pot. Or, more literally, they’ll stomp out resistance while controlling the moron majority with propaganda. I guess the accelerationists think Americans are too special and awesome to become Russia or China, though.