2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I thought the first part was solid. Don’t agree with the last few paragraphs if only because there’s not much you can do outside of elections when one party gerrymanders and makes it impossible to win or installs a corrupt SC that takes away rights

It’s ok little guy. Settle down

Quality post.

I’m rooting for you. You have overcome so much already.

I raise


I’m not entirely sure whether you have me confused with someone or you’re just a malfunctioning chatbot of some sort.

It’s ok little guy, I know you get confused sometimes. Hard to keep track of multiple things at once.


I think AQ and the adjacent crew are good guys with good intentions so I’m not gonna’ fight with them and I can sort of empathize with the accelerationist argument even if I’m highly skeptical.

I’m mostly just depressed that people think we’re going to get better immigrant outcomes from the architects of family separations including the guy still campaigning on cruelty to immigrants. I think propaganda has gotten way too strong and the human experiment is maybe just done. Hope my kids have a better future than it’s looking like right now.


Ive got kids too so I think its ok to say this even if it sucks.

Your kids are boned (as are mine.)

Our generation will be the last one with only a few catastrophic outcomes from climate change. The next is going to have some unfathomable issues that will affect the entire world by the time theyre 40. We’ve (the royal we, ultimately, but in reality greastest and boomer gens) fucked the planet up beyond repair. There will be wars over inhabitable land and they will likely be nuclear in nature. If the idea of nuclear weapon non-use is mutually assured destruction, what is going to happen when a nuclear power runs out of water and their destruction is assured regardless?

Oh, happy day off work day, everyone!


I don’t get the accelerationist argument at all.

Like what’s the logic?

  • Left of center people refuse to vote for Biden.
  • Trump gets elected because of it.
  • ???
  • Better outcomes in X years.

If someone wants to help me out here, I’m willing to listen.


I’ve lived through 8-12 years of accelerationist politics under Trump and W, it only made things worse. The mythical leftist counterpunch never happens, the Overton Window simply ratchets farther to the right. I suppose the logic now is “We need to ACCELERATE HARDER” into fascism and then the Bastille gets stormed and we all get socialized medicine.


Thanks to the 2 party system, one side doesn’t have to actually help The People, they just have to fuck over The People marginally less to be the logical choice.

They think they have you boxed in because of logic. Your only recourse is too hurt yourself in the short run because it does not look like they will change.

It’s just a middle finger.

The monied class is incredibly insulated and has no concept of negative consequences for their actions so they sort by Tax Cut potential and devote their efforts on that guy.

It literally does not matter to the country club crowd what happens outside of their bubble, and they have all the non-figurehead power.

They will burn the country down as long as Greenwich and South Beach and Palo Alto are green.

Didn’t we already try this? We elected a clown for president who used a magic marker to alter a weather map, who tweeted out illiterate rantings on a daily basis, who thought nuking hurricanes and injecting bleach might be good ideas and who’s mishandling of covid unnecessarily killed way more Americans than it ever should have

And now he’s neck and neck or leading in the polls. My take is that accelerationism didn’t work last time

West Coast secedes and forms a government that isn’t totally shit?

On one hand I have zero faith in CA Dems.

On the other hand, it might be interesting to see how they change their stances when they can no longer rely on Orange Man Bad to get elected.

Exactly my point too. We have data on this.

People didn’t vote for Hillary and we got Trump. Trump was horrible, and 4 years later we got Joe Biden as the nominee.

Yes, I wish Biden was better on many issues. Yes, I wish he wasn’t running for re-election. But that’s not the world we live in right now. Barring death, the president on January 20, 2025 will be either Joe Biden or Donald Trump. One of these options is better in just about every (if not literally every) way and it seems very silly not to vote for that.


The Democratic establishment strongly believes in the median voter theorem and think the party has to craft a platform that appeals to the median voter. When Democrats lose elections, they think it means they have drifted too far left on policy.