2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


Hogan was term limited out as Governor, is currently running for Senate.

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I’m literally the guy whose name is on the police permit for the anti-Trump protest in Huntsville, AL in 2017 when he went there for a speech. It’s my original hometown and I was living there then. Me and like 6 people organized the protest and a couple thousand people showed up

You yourself said like one week ago that you were certain I wouldn’t vote for Trump, and made some kind of reference to me not getting off my floor to vote, which you never explained what that even means after I asked you

I said this? I know (or thought) you’re anti establishment (as am I). I haven’t been following anyone’s engagements that closely lately. Surely not enough to know if someone is going to vote or not

Mimosa said it. I quoted Mimosa

I was replying to Mimosa saying I’ve “always been a maladjusted MAGA”

The things he says really puzzle me most of the time

Solid article imo

I still take issue with the was argument that Biden simply isn’t doing enough to stop things

ICE and CBP are part of the ______ branch

The DEA which has recently been raiding weed businesses in states that legalized weed is part of the _____ branch

He’s not simply failing to come up with a way to stop things. He’s where the buck stops when it comes to DOING those things

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Please stop attacking my mental health

Please stop advocating for Donald Trump.

Please stop pretending that the Biden administration hasn’t had more success caging kids than the Trump administration

I don’t know nor particularly care whether that’s true, at least as it relates to a choice between Biden and Trump.

At least you admit it. Respect

This. If you can’t respond to AQ’s posts without implying he’s having a mental break or has gone off meds or other similar things, please just don’t reply.


What is your vision here? Trump gets elected and then ???

Like either
(a) (most likely) it’s four years of making everything worse and then we’re back where we are, with the same system, just even more fucked up and degraded or

(b) Trump actually does cause some existential even that brings the whole system down… which will also cause a lot more pain and suffering to a lot more people than marginally more effective border enforcement.

Everything is consistent with standard left-wing accelerationism.