2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Gretchen obvious candidate for this election imo

Who the fuck is Wes moore


Really? Dudeā€™s been a maladjusted MAGA forever, never really been a secret.

ya heā€™s a super left wing anarchist type. Heā€™s supporting Trump out of spite and Biden purity reasons.

Governor of Maryland

Dang I thought it was still Larry Hogan


TFW ā€œfewer kids in cagesā€ is purity testing

The system puts fewer kids in cages under Trump. The system resists Trump. Biden supercharges Trump policies and cuts through all the red tape standing in their way.

You deny the border data and border wall data and stuff like not firing DeJoy, and all you have left is attacking mental health and trotting out ā€œpurity testā€ rhetoric you donā€™t even grasp.

A: Fewer kids in cages is harm reduction

B: Youā€™re mentally ill

Four years ago, B said fewer kids in cages was the third rail red line for why you had to vote his preference

If you think thereā€™s less harm in 4 years of Biden, youā€™re not supporting Biden, youā€™re just stating thereā€™s less harm in 4 years of Biden

If you think thereā€™s less harm in 4 years of Trump, you actually support every single thing Trump says or does

WichitaDM has the Biden avatar and everyone understands he doesnā€™t actually support genocide

Literally not a peep when Riverman explicitly states heā€™s doing it out of spite. I repeatedly explain why Iā€™m choosing harm reduction and that means itā€™s spite and mental illness.

I think you are making a pretty bad estimation error if you include the long tail harm of a total lose of US democracy and the institutionalization of a dictatorship.

I think you are overestimating the probability of dictatorship as you define it, and VASTLY overestimating the daily life difference between the current dictatorship of capital and whatever you imagine for the future.

I think you have a lot of emotional arguments that ignore the current misery and death and imprisonment and enslavement worldwide that is directed by USA, and the measures of each at and within the USA borders.

Like youā€™re literally conceding the never decreasing of border cages while at the same time talking about what disaster might happen 4 years from now.

Like imagine if we turned into the nation with the highest incarceration ever?

Oh, waitā€¦

You are not debating in good faith pretending I am some kind of pro-US fan boy. Thatā€™s fine. Youā€™re angry but there isnā€™t much to discuss if you are going to strawman me.

MD seems to produce an outsize number of guys who are floated as president/VP candidates, odd because itā€™s never going to be a key swing state.

I do prefer the candidate that makes me feel better about my country being evil

UP energy



If by ā€œUPā€ you mean like 4 posters.

What are you talking about? Even a couple dozen posters who donā€™t like Biden have not done a single thing in four years outside of ā€œliving their livesā€ and they post saying this! And like posts from people like WichitaDM saying this!

At least under Trump they posted about how they were thinking about doing something until their CPAP went on the fritz or whatever

Itā€™s alright, Iā€™m rooting for you