2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

yeah it’s catturd, he’s really stupid. Gas was 1.89 because everyone was locked down, they never mention/bother to recall that key fact.

Also I always reflexively read his name now as “Cirith Ungol”


And when he does, just watch Netflix and wake up and go to sleep until 4 years of your life have passed and you are that much closer to death. Happy Memorial Day!

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Fingers crossed!

tee hee!

Go lie down.


I don’t see how anyone could vote for more kids in cages, but apparently all of y’all are voting for that. Sad!

We are doing it to troll you.


Y’all are literally voting for things to get immediately worse, because you insist that things would get better in the longrun, like underpants gnomes

Now I see where the projection comes from with the “sorry I can’t get on board with dismantling the system, because we don’t know what it gets replaced by”

If people really cared about kids in cages, someone would have done an armed raid to free them by now.

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Saying the president controls the price of gas immediately tells you that you can ignore everything a person claims.


Bummer to see that Putin’s foray into leftist misinfo is paying off so easily.


You’re a fucking idiot.


Poor little quant gamble, you ok little guy?

Didn’t realize you were such a Trumper

How will things be worse if Biden wins and Democrats sweep the house and senate?

Jeez, talk about gullible. Y’all fell for that drain the swamp/dismantle the system schtick once already. Didn’t happen, did it? Trump isn’t gonna drain any swamps. He’s gonna add to them. And in a way that won’t give anybody else any choice. You’re rooting for a dictator

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I think so.

Ok, I know shorties like yourself can get red in the face. Glad you are ok

Better than a virgin idiot.



Secretary Pete and Big Gretch need to be out on the stump for the next 6 months. Pennsylvania is weird.

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Whitmer seems like an obvious candidate for the next election, assuming we have one.