2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


Within MOE, but this feels like one of the more encouraging polls yet.


Norm talking to Seinfeld. About Cosby

Norm "yeah people say to me, the worst part of it all, was the hypocrisy

Paraphrasing - I think it was all the raping


Also this is just the old false dichotomy trick, as in either America is fascist or it’s not. In reality it’s a spectrum, and reelecting Trump moves us closer to the wrong end of the spectrum. I don’t think it’s an abuse of language to call the candidate who does that “fascist,” etc. But it’s also not an abuse of language to portray their fixation with female sexuality as weird, creepy, etc.


Are people here serious when the day that if Trump wins, there will be no real election in 2028?

I don’t know, why don’t you ask them

Let me rephrase. Do you think they’re serious?

I’m not sure, but let’s stipulate for the sake of argument that they are. I take it that your point is using words like weirdness trivializes the end-of-the-world scenario that they seem to fear?

Not exactly. I don’t think most people calling Trump fascist are being entirely literal or worried and they shouldn’t be for themselves and I think it trivializes the real threat to millions of other people.

I spent 5 minutes on this. Please clap.


The centerpiece of the Republican Party platform is to deport about 15 million people. It’s pretty far on the spectrum. Maybe when I see someone in their crosshairs wearing a silly hat, I’ll reconsider.

I agree the stakes are high. I think most people applauding this “weirdness” messaging are doing so because they perceive it as one tactic that will be effective if defeating Trump and preventing the bad outcomes.

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The reason why weird works so well is not because authoritarianism is weird or unprecedented, micro is right there.

It works because it causes republicans to feel emasculated because it allows us to laugh at them, and it especially sticks because they are, in fact, weird in a way that’s difficult to explain. Like are we really going through the details of Qanon or Hannibal Lector or electrocuting sharks? Fuck that no they’re weird.

Republicans are especially sensitive to feeling emasculated because a huge chunk of them fucking hate women, see the Thiel stuff above, and I guarantee many of them think about the time a woman or group of woman rejected them and called them weird.


I don’t think it’s likely to be effective and maybe counterproductive. It scores points with your group, but it might motivate people on the other side and it looks petty to anyone not married to one side.

This is where your flat wrong. Have you ever tried explaining some sort Republican nonsense to a normal person? Try, it doesn’t go well. Their eyes glaze when you tell them about how Trump has talked about electrocuting a shark from made up boat battery.

Weird, however, allows you to simply and effectively convey that Trump is fucking weird


Weird works when it sticks




the comments are full of “the left doesn’t understand HuMoR!1!” “cry more libs”

one actual comment- “nobody is mad, people are actively making fun of the left for it. The leftist tards have no sense of humor.”

they are fucking weird… and BIG mad when it’s pointed out.

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Flprida poll has trump +7, weed +33, abortion +46. Florida is not serious people



51.5% white non-hispanic. Staying white majority is more important to them than weed or reproductive rights. Let the deportations begin.

On the bright side, this cycle we can feel free not to freak out when Florida’s polls close at 7 pm ET and it breaks badly quickly. It’s a big treasure trove of EC votes and it’s unfortunate that it doesn’t really seem to be in play anymore, but we no longer have to see it as a symptom of what will happen in the other states that will decide this.

I panicked as much as anyone when this happened early on election night 2020, but I’m prepared for the overwhelming likelihood this time.