2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I like dogs. I like cats. But I’m more of a cat person tbh. I’m very cat-like.

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Are you surprised they would have low support for the current admin? If anything, this shows that Kamala has and can continue to pick up support by breaking from Biden on Gaza.

I also doubt ADC membership is precisely representative of the broader Muslim American community but the numbers are probably at least directionally correct.

It’s because it applies to him too

Fuck off.







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But this was the point I make above. Republicans think “weird” is someone with blue hair, or a trans person, or a homosexual.

Democrats are making weird about policy. Its weird to try to tell someone what to do with their body. Its weird to tell someone that they cant be who they are. Its weird to tell someone who they can and cant love.

Let them try to reframe it. Theyll choose the weird route every time and people can see it


It’s not weird. It’s pretty common and normal. It’s authoritarian.

Its weird that its normal, right?

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I think I’ve lost the thread here. If the argument is that we shouldn’t call Vance and Trump weird because they’re authoritarian, I’m not sure I buy it. Calling them weird and creepy seems to be more effective (as far as annoying them and connecting with voters) than calling them authoritarian and fascist, even if the latter is more precise.

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Not really. A lot of people are awful. But, even if one defines the word that way, it’s kind of like the Norm MacDonald hypocrisy joke. And it was fine if it was one comment in an interview, but I think it’s lame as a campaign piece (cringe might be the right word).

Case in point, re the Norm MacDonald joke.

I guess I don’t know the joke

This feels right, yea. It’s not necessarily that it’s wrong, or that it’s bad to point it out, it’s just that seeing an avalanche of “oh my god they’re so WEIRD” feels, well, weird. In a cringe sort of way. Like "oh, I guess this is what we’re going with then :roll_eyes: "

Imagine you really thought we were about to fall into some kind of totalitarian dystopia and you were like “Big Brother is Weird!”


Yeah better to be based like Trump amirite