2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Hear me out.

Maybe the folks around Biden were actually really really good at their jobs… If we change the frame.

We were assessing this on “how well is this campaign going against the standard of normal campaigns”

Instead, it’s “how well is running the country going and running a campaign going when the candidate is completely cognitively impaired”

They were running a race with a 20kg weight on their backs and doing okay.

Now the weight is off, they are demonstrating significant signs of competence.

Of course. “Should we run a campaign with a cognitively impaired candidate and hide that from the voters” is a different question that speaks to values, not competence.

You mean around his campaigning or around his real presidenting? Those are entirely different people.

The problem with any notion that there was a concentrated cover-up effort to this effect is the part where the Biden camp actively sought out this debate that blew up in their face so spectacularly. And that honestly is part of why I felt so blindsided by it when I tried to watch it. I didn’t watch the SOTU - I haven’t watched any of those in decades - but it sounded like he did pretty well there, and between that and the fact that they seemed to view the chance to debate early on as a good thing, it’s not altogether clear to me that it was a widely known thing that he had begun to age rapidly.

It would seem like a fair conclusion otherwise, but I just can’t mentally square it with the part where they actively sought out a chance for the candidate to be exposed so badly.

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Case in point.

I don’t think that’s true. I’ve watched the west wing and it’s always the same main characters.



blue counties are 71% of gdp
red counties are 29% of gdp

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What a horrible message.

what’s horrible about it, microbet?

I looked at that guy’s Twitter and he’s not being dumb with that post. He’s alt-right and he is intentionally making the point that Dems are the party for elites.

That point totally fits in with what that guy is trying to do.

You thought he was trying to say that Democrats are great and smart and productive and Republicans suck, wiper?

i dunno what i thought, that’s why i asked you.

People Live In Cities


shouldn’t those people get to make the rules then?

Well, it’s a horrible message for Democrats because “lol poors” is a horrible message. Now that I see he is messaging for Trump, it’s not so strategically bad.

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Lotta cat ladies in this forum.



The right has gotten so much mileage out of this person.

Guy just keeps hitting all the right notes:



Even just the little things:



Jon Stewart on republicans flailing to find an attack angle on Kamala.