2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

We already have higher taxes for childless people. We just didn’t say it like that.




  1. Vote against a wildly popular program
  2. Claim credit anyway when it passes
  3. Lie and say your opponent wants to kill it


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Sounds about right. Social security being another obvious example


Yes, go on the attack after Jennifer Aniston, one of the most beloved celebrities we have.

Maybe go after Dolly Parton next. She has no kids.

Maybe JD really believed the Hitler stuff all along and is deliberately scuttling Trump’s campaign. I’d buy that book!


You know who else didn’t have kids?


The Da Vinci Code tho


Obviously the backslide was the good part, not the incremental progress :roll_eyes:. We just need to backslide harder.

Is there a way for the Dems to weaponize Swifties?


Like flying over a crematorium to work, looking forward to one day, to have meaning;


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I’m with the bee on this one, fuck Portnoy



Did you ever read the book Six Degrees Amazon.com?

I did when it came out in 2007, scared the ever-loving shit out of me. 4 or 5 is almost unthinkable.

Some tl;dr examples for the effects of 4 degrees of warming courtesy of GPT:


Severe Heatwaves: Heatwaves would become more intense and frequent, with some regions experiencing temperatures so high that outdoor activity becomes dangerous. Many areas could see temperatures regularly exceeding 50°C (122°F).

Sea Level Rise: Significant melting of polar ice sheets would lead to a substantial rise in sea levels, potentially displacing hundreds of millions of people living in coastal areas. Cities such as New York, Tokyo, and London could be partially submerged.

Loss of Biodiversity: Many species would face extinction due to habitat loss, changes in ecosystems, and climate conditions beyond their tolerance levels. Coral reefs, for example, would likely be devastated, leading to the collapse of marine biodiversity.

Agricultural Collapse: Agricultural productivity would decline sharply in many regions due to extreme heat, droughts, and changing rainfall patterns. This could lead to food shortages and increased prices, exacerbating global hunger and poverty.

Extreme Weather Events: The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like hurricanes, typhoons, and storms would increase, causing widespread damage and loss of life. Floods and droughts would also become more common, affecting water supplies and agriculture.

Desertification and Water Scarcity: Large areas of land would become desertified, particularly in regions like the Mediterranean, the American Southwest, and Australia. Water scarcity would become a severe problem, affecting billions of people worldwide.

Health Impacts: The spread of diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and heat-related illnesses would increase. Poor air quality from pollution and wildfires would lead to respiratory problems and other health issues.

Economic Disruption: The combined effects of these changes would lead to massive economic disruptions, with substantial costs for adaptation and disaster response. Many industries, particularly agriculture, fisheries, and tourism, would suffer significant losses.

Notably lacking from the list: all the wars that inevitably will be started over shrinking natural resources.


Hahaha, he actually says he’s not Christian! First time I’ve heard. Tragically funny how he treats them as voting cattle and they dont come close to caring that he’s a Godless heathen mega-sinner.

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Yes. And the scientific consensus is that we go higher than that without action.

Even WITH significant action, we could be looking at 2.5, fading the uncertainty in the model and tipping points.

2 degrees is already catastrophic, and that a best case

It’s really a testament to our species’ inability to truly appreciate long-term thinking that we still choose to have children.

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I’m reasonably optimistic.

China and the EU are doing the work and bending the curve. There’s just a lot more work to do and a idio-fascist USA would be bad.