2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Can’t wait to see the orange coward’s posts on these.

Someone described it as “a victory lap pick” which I think nails it.

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Another GOP strategist said Harris’ emergence and the other distractions of the week — as well as the persistent requests to defend Vance — have kept Trump from playing his preferred position: offense.

“I think they got checkmated,” the strategist said.



It’s amazing that he seemingly totally discounted this very live possibility of Biden dropping, given all the noise being made by elected Dems. But I suppose we know to an absolute certainty that Trump wouldn’t stand down in an even more hopeless spot than Biden’s was, so it may have been just too unfathomable to him.

OK, so if he shouldn’t have picked the couchfucker, then who should he have picked?

Rubio seems like a nice, safe choice. Not sure he’d accept it, tho.

Tim Scott.

Glenn Youngkin or Tim Scott.

Domino meme that starts with Kristi Noem shooting her dog and ends with the first female president.



Peter Thiel sure can pick 'em.

That’s prob between 25-40k in YouTube ad revenue unless they’re stu…

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Don’t feed the troll

The point is Republicans are faggots


I’ll defer to you, but I thought the point was that lots of gay republicans are closeted and self-loathing.

% wise I predict the increase will be bigger in Milwaukee. Chicago is a bigger (and gayer) city than Milwaukee in general, so my guess is that a bunch of delegates coming in won’t cause as much of an increase over the normal baseline. That being said, I’m sure Grindr will be very active in and around the convention.

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Thanks. Makes sense.

I briefly looked for some historical data. This is all I could find:


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Yeah. Any big event coming to a city is going to make the apps more active, so I think a lot of the headlines are just to troll Republicans. I know several Log Cabin Republican types and we make jokes about that kind of stuff all the time, but to me it’s more about hypocrisy than uniqueness.

I also wonder how geotargeted the data pull is. Like, I’m just thinking of a few cities I know well, and in some places the normal gayborhood is closer to the convention sites than others, so that could impact the data too.

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