2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Or after Trump’s trifecta! We let establishment centrist Hillary take a dive so that we’d get Trump, and after all that backsliding, now we got a radical acceleration into a Biden administration. Boy, was that ever worth it!

Rofl you guys are making the point. We backslid with Trump, then got served Biden on a hot, centrist platter in the Most Important Election Ever, and here we are again doing the Most Important Election Ever 2.0 four years later. Let’s just keep doing this forever and see what happens :roll_eyes:

Again, before I get accused of shit I never said, I don’t subscribe to this theory and will be voting for Kamala. But it isn’t exactly crazy to look at the outcome of the last few years and conclude that meaningful change will never happen within the current system and wonder what it might take to burn that system down.


We have all been here long enough to see the same tired arguments get trotted out by the same people that we should all just eat shit sandwiches THIS TIME. At some point people will realize that is all they are ever going to get.

Has to be a non-zero chance Trump replaces Vance with how much he’s getting clowned, no? Although he becomes an easy fall guy if they lose.

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This one goes out to a very special hillbilly

Also god help us if Kelly gets nominated as Vp. He looks like what happens if Gollum and that yellow guy from Sin City procreate.



I’ve prepared some baseless speculation about Trump/Jd Vance. It will be just as stupid as the talking points against Kamala. Hope you enjoy… JD Vance is a deep state plant by the Deep State Elites whose sole purpose it tank Donald J Trumps chance at reelection. We already know he doesn’t like him comparing Trump to an American Hitler. He’s made it clear he thinks trump is a narcissist but he got selected because the deep state is influencing DJT campaign. Jd Vance isn’t going to step down instead he’s going to nuke the former president as often as he can. Jd Vance is on record stating he fucks couches, and looks up dolphin porn. He also said Diet Dew is rascist and women shouldn’t have the ability to travel out of state by themselves or else they’ll get abortions. Clearly


Not reading all that but i think you are an interesting chap


Roe was de facto law until SC. The same logic that overturned Roe would have declared a law codifying it unconstitutional. This would have achieved nothing but destroying political capital and we would still be in the same boat now. We would need an amendment at this point.

Really the overarching lesson to be learned from politics is this

-money can buy judges and politicans
-shitty people have more money
-shitty people own more politicians

The end

And we would have gotten away with it too, if not for you meddling posters


But nothing can ever be Trump’s fault, including picking Vance.

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Is this correct. I don’t know. Any lawbros want to confirm.

My understanding is that the “logic” in Dobbs would not have truly applied had there been a national law. Of course, they would just use slightly different “logic” to end up in the same place, so it seems like a distinction without a difference. Nevertheless I’m curious what the answer is.

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Nope. Nothing inherent to Dobbs that would make a law codifying Roe unconstitutional.


Do you think this court would allow such a law to stand, or would they strike it down saying it violates the civil rights of the unborn? Asking in good faith IANAL but I have a hard time ascribing good faith legal consistency to this court.

In the context of all that came before him (ok enough of that one; more couch fucking instead) Biden was excellent. He had a senate majority of one where two of his senators were Sinema and Manchin. A lot of dems are centrist edems like Chris Coons. We either have to vote harder or accept that what the US populace wants is low taxes, religious schools, no foreign entanglements, immigrants treated inhumanely, more cops, fossil fuels etc…

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Yes, he was better than expected for a centrist! And yet here we are, in the Most Important Election 2.0 despite that.

This is where we differ. This pretends that the populace fell out of a coconut tree with these views. These views are influenced by the context of all that came before us, including the system we exist within. Rich people want low taxes (so they can hoard more), religious schools (the ability to privatize schools so they can profit from it, or keep their children from interacting with poors), no foreign entanglement (other than the ones that advance the interests of our corporations), inhumane treatment of immigrants (because it’s easier to demonize them than face the reality of why our conditions are what they are), more cops (to keep the riff raff in line), more fossil fuels (to profit from…). Rich people also have the power within this system, including the power to influence the populace.

