2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Happy Friday to you too!

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Except “being fucked” isn’t a binary outcome and the degrees actually DO matter (literally, in the case of climate change).

Even if temerature rises in both scenarios, an extra degree is the difference between whether some land continues to be habitable or not, whether some people are displaced or not, how much time we have to figure out some hail mary technology and get it deployed (and how good that technology has to be if/when we figure it out), etc.


It’s very obvious that the gameplan should be to win elections and then do popular shit with the power. The real question is why doesn’t the second part happen very much?

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JD really does look like Gomer Pyle. Probably why he grew the beard.




If you guys vote harder so the Republican party ends, maybe the Dem party can split and the new two party system is edems vs progressives.

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I don’t think voting harder will end the Republican Party, but it sure seems like a slightly better turnout in 2000 would have stopped 20 years of the War On Terror, would have stopped ICE and DHS from existing, etc etc.

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If you want to see how bad Trump is at golf here are him and Bryson teeing it up for charity:

They have raised only 29k in 3 days for Wounded Warriors(with 8 million views LMAO, TRUE PATRIOTS)

Pretty sure Kim Jong Un would spank both their asses.



And everyone is familiar with the AUMF only being voted against by Barbara Lee

Been discussed in the golf thread but seriously it is the WOAT putting stroke. You have to see it to believe it.


You can’t even. He’ll appoint two new SC justices. Destroy whatever climate change initiatives we have. We’d be fucked for decades. As it is, we probably are, but we can at least try to reform some of the BS


What’s crazy is that you can be a bad putter and still have a nice looking stroke. It’s really easy to not look like a complete hack, even if the results are poor. He looks like a three-year-old trying mini golf for the first time.

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Substance aside, it’s unfathomable to me that people voluntarily listen to this guy’s voice for hours at a time.


Anyway, the buyer’s remorse on Vance seems to be picking up steam.


The Iraq War simply doesn’t happen without Cheney and his Neo-Con buddies in the White House. Also, where was the accelerationist counterpunch? After eight years of strategically letting Republicans win, the radical left struck back with… Obama?

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When you see him chip on the 5th hole or whatever he is obviously horrible at that also. Insane.

I don’t see Trump dumbing Vance directly, but I wouldn’t put it past him to pretend like me said someone else and everyone misheard.
