2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I’ve had this conversation with an eDem friend of mine who always wants to blame voters and it gets me so frustrated. It’s NOT the voters! We gave Dems the presidency. We gave them the Senate. We gave them AZ and GA. Stop blaming the voters and start putting the blame where it belongs. The people we’ve been voting in are not doing their jobs imo

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Welcome to the resistance.

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Yeah if there’s a constant frustration (which is basically every post in the LOL DEMOCRATS Thread) it’s that the last 20 years have felt like this:

Democratic Politicians - “Vote for us and we’ll give you this awesome stuff”

US Population: OK we vote for you

Democratic Politicians once in office - “OK so all that awesome stuff we talked about… We’ll give you whatever version of that is approved by our wealthy donors and corporate interests”.

US Population: Well that kinda sucks

Democratic Politicians once in office - “Vote Harder.”


And then they call it an “incrementalism” so that eDem fans can criticize progressives for being frustrated



  • pulled out of the Paris Accords
  • hates wind power and ev subsidies
  • wants more pipelines and fossil fuel production
  • will appoint judges who will throttle environmental regs for a generation
  • will change government civil service rules in order to employ more Trump loyalists into jobs that last past his administration
  • wants to even more aggressively police the border to deter climate refugees

I know edems aren’t great, but you have to assume a REALLY big post Trump pendulum swing to the left to argue that 4 years of him actively making things worse vs 4 years of Dems making marginal improvements.


Without the House of Representatives, no major progressive legislation was going to be enacted.

For sure. But at this point we’re just varying degrees of fucked, so calling it a win for incrementalism is just wild.

That’s why we’ve gotta Vote Harder!

EDems being better than Trump is pretty much the entire pitch. They are better than an over the hill moron failson. VOTE FOR US!

I don’t think you’re all the way wrong, but the other component is the GOP sabotaging any hope of meaningful reform. Even when the legislation is essentially what the GOP wanted, they torpedo it rather than let Dems get anything approved.


It’s almost like the system is the problem. But acknowledging that might lead to crazy thought processes like “could it actually be better in the long run if Trump wins, if that could possibly collapse the system?”

FTR I think the answer to that is no, but I’m not gonna shut down someone who wants to explore that hypothetical


I get that. But Obama had both chambers. He could’ve codified Roe v Wade. All I’m saying is vote harder is a bunch of crap, which I’m pretty sure most here would agree with

That said, taking two steps back to go one forward doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense either

The Dems only held all three for a short time, and it’s debatable how much blockbuster legislation they could’ve passed, it any.

So, yeah, vote harder…

Only 4 of the last 15 years. Impossible to do anything with that. LOL CHESSPAIN



I had to do a double take


So good full metal jacket:


As long as you have someone to blame. Let the anger flow.

Between W and Trump we’ve had 12 years of wildly accelerationist government, the big leftward pendulum swing never happens, instead we get Obama, who maybe will reduce ICE funding by 10% and get some of the troops out of Iraq. I guess the theory is that if we ACCELERATE HARDER everything breaks and the left storms the Bastille? Call me skeptical.

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I’ve spent years waiting for you to make a good post man. You can do it!