2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


My favorites are the lib grift accounts that start every post with “Holy shit…”

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Your recollection is off. I never said he’d be in jail. I said he’d be indicted (fyi-he was. 4 times over in fact), and that he’d be convicted (he was), and that he’d be federally convicted (looks like I’ll be wrong on that due to a rogue SC)

It’s just the hubris of you thinking that you operate on such a high level that we commoners can’t understand

There is no scenario where Trump proves to be better on any front. This “we gotta lose so we can win” crap is just that… Crap. Nothing will be better under a Trump presidency and many (like trans people) will suffer real harm

Anyone considering a vote for Trump is either in an income bracket high enough to enjoy unfair tax breaks (while not caring about about those less fortunate), or a bigoted POS themselves who don’t care about women’s or trans’ rights. So sell this BS that you’ve concocted as an excuse so you can vote for your guy Trump on Truth Social or 4chan. No one is buying it here

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Regardless of the breathless clickbaity terms (I agree those are obnoxious), that JD Vance audio is something I hope is heard by as many people as possible.

Am I allowed to vote for Kamala while simultaneously not caring about trans rights? Asking for a friend.

Sure, we’ll take whatever we can get. But afterwards, you can fuck all the way off


Small government politician suggesting federal law against women traveling with a side of antisemitism and racism. Nice trifecta

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This is funny.

Edit: was posted in gop thread so a bit ponied

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it’s not just that. progressive activism has won over enough D electorate that it shifted policy in both legislative and executive office. all this crap about incrementalism not being quick enough is a completely bad-faith a-historic reading of a period shorter than we’ve been alive.

and yeah, they are entitled to having that opinion and willingly stepping to live in a fascist police state, but they don’t have the right to pull millions of people into that dystopia with them. normal people would rather hold up democracy, at least until they retire, or at least their kids are settled.

my other thought is something i heard from a political science prof. everyone has a role to play: activists, protesters, donors, volunteers, voters in important districts, influencers, campaign operatives, even keyboard warriors in chat roulettes and twutter threads. individually, most people have limits on what they can contribute, and that’s what political movements are. everyone brings what they can to get policy wins collectively.

accelerationism is just bolshevik cosplay, nothing more.


I’m amazed that anyone can say this with a straight face in 2024, when our incrementalism on stuff like climate change is dooming millions of people to death over the next few decades

But thank God we’re Holding Up Democracy

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we could have achieved major climate action in 2000, were it not for progressive Nader holdouts.

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Here we go again, it’s always the progressives’ fault when the democrats fail to get elected



Thanks, I hate this.


By the way, this guy is a music professor and recently ranked every song - with detailed explanations - from Disney animated musicals.



I recommend liking it. Fox News polling is reliably high-quality and just carries around a shitty brand name.

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Oh WTF, this is just a Fox News story about the NYT/Siena poll that had Harris losing by one?

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This is my sofa. There are many like it but this one is mine.
My sofa is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
My sofa, without me, is useless. Without my sofa, I am useless. I must fuck my sofa true.





not too many posts make me literally burst out laughing like this did.

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