2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


I think the first time he did confuse real with make believe. And then after he got called out on it, he doubled down, the way he does. Like when he stumbles reading heā€™ll pretend like he meant to say the obviously wrong thing, like heā€™ll go, ā€œthe clownish antiques and antics of the leftā€¦ā€

But this was more involved than just one word, he confused a whole long story so now he feels he has to plant the seed with the crowd that maybe hannibal lecter is more real than the media would lead us to believe. And that the cannibalistic serial killer, who was a very classy gentleman, he had very refined taste, was also a fan of ā€œtrumpā€

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The least credible part of the story is the notion that Lector would be a Trump fan. Makes me doubtful that he even saw the movie. Is it possible that he is just confusing his name for a real serial killing cannibal like Dahmer?

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That worked out so well for him last time

Love the facial expressions on those hosts.


I love that anytime he does one of these interviews theyā€™re always struggling so hard to kick him off at the end. ā€œSir, Iā€™m sure you have more important things to do!ā€ ā€œSir we promised to let you go at 8:00!ā€ and on and on as he rambles endlessly over them.




I love the panicked/confused looks on the hostsā€™ faces when Trump goes into full dementia mode.


some of them literally shift in their seats

This includes age 18-34 just being Harris 46-43. Not sure whatā€™s happening with some of these samplings of younger voters. Hard to imagine the race being that close among them, but itā€™s showing up in a number of polls.

Harry Enten posted this yesterday.


On the brighter side, he posted this today.



Specifically, she can win in the Sun Belt (AZ, GA, NC, & NV).



Can someone tell me what the actual mechanics are of getting poll responses from voters 18-34?

Iā€™ve aged out of that bracket and havenā€™t answered an anonymous phone call in over a year.


I dont even answer identified calls


it is fake but it doesnā€™t really matter at this point, the couchfucker meme is already all over my social media and its real to them because they want to believe itā€™s real.

This is honestly the kind of shit that wins elections, nobody wants to hear about the fate of democracy and the entire universe being on the line and if you dont show up and vote blue in November you are a disgusting person who doesnt deserve to breathe. Just keep making fun of the other side, make people laugh and throw in a few value propositions and we will win this election.


As a young teen, I just thought the way my parents did because I thought they were smart.

It took until I left high school to realize how stupid they were and even that was a process.

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Agreed. This time the gloves are offā€¦


Yea, and Iā€™m sure a lot of people never critically analyze their parentsā€™ beliefs and just blindly carry them forward.

Iā€™m just talking about parents of minors as a single voting block. Iā€™d be surprised if that voting block skews more towards GOP than the rest of eligible voters, so it seems like itā€™d actually hurt the GOP in elections (again, this is ignoring that itā€™s a stupid, horrible idea and the continued demonization of childless adults is cruel and unnecessaryā€“Iā€™m just talking electorally)

yep, told my girl this election will be won with memes, and i was 100% being serious.

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