2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

It’s also easier to just go with your tribe. There is a lot of pain and trauma breaking from your tribe’s political beliefs ime. I have very few meaningful relationships with my extended family for example because of it.

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I see it with my sister. She became a parent a couple of years ago and has leaned more conservative since though not crazy Karen type.

Another black mark for Newsom


more calling trump old and weird in press releases, less saying burning the american flag is somehow disturbingly unamerican…

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There is no easy answer to this.

Homeless often set up in spots that weren’t designated for people to live in, depriving the rest of the populace of the greenspace that they pay taxes for in order to use. Yes, you are removing people who have little to nothing from their home, but those places often become extremely unsanitary very quickly.

I walk my dog each day in the creek near my home and there are tents that get set up there by a homeless person or two. Eventually a few more move in and there’s garbage everywhere after a few weeks. Sometimes they have sold drugs in those tents or used drugs and then drugged out people start appearing in and around the wild creek area. Some people’s dogs (generally labs)have eaten the not fully consumed drugs as well requiring very expensive vet visits that could have been fatal.


Alternatives include building shelters and advancing policies that make housing more affordable

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Yeah it seems like for a long time, solutions never took into account the people who actually live among homeless encampments, which are usually in working class neighborhoods. None of the politicians making these decisions live in the neighborhood with camps, which makes it easy to dismiss local residents’ concerns.

New pole:

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There are ample shelters, but some homeless people hate the other homeless people and hate shelters so they will keep building encampments. Housing will never be free or near free which might be all some of these individuals can afford…again there aren’t easy solutions to every problem.


Shelters are great and as far as I know readily available, but many homeless people don’t want to use them.

LA has lots of subsidized housing for people to work their way out of being homeless, including programs offering free rent for a year or more. These are effective with the sliver of homeless who are willing and able to work and just down on their luck.

But the problem is a good chunk of the homeless population are either mentally ill with no desire to get treatment, or addicted to drugs w/o a real desire to get clean, or both. There’s no program that’s going to help those people until they’re ready.

LA has thrown literally $billions at this problem. State, county and city-wide bond/tax initiatives to tackle the homeless problem almost always pass. Voters are willing to spend money on this. The programs may be starting to make a dent, but nowhere near the miracle cures promised by politicians.


shelters have rules. the people i know that have used shelters to a person were not fans of rules.



Has Kerstin remarried? Does the kid hate their stepfather and is subsequently throwing them under the bus here?

Fox News once again self owning.


As you can see even here, clearing homeless encampments will not be unpopular.

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I never know how much stock to put in stuff that could easily just be PR, but the fact that Kamala’s husband’s ex-wife seems to like and support Kamala seems like a huge green flag for her personally

