2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)



The audio glitch thing Iā€™ve complained about is kind of like this but not as bad or jerky



Something inside me literally broke at the moment I saw this

Like I now prioritize vengeance and making MAGA cry over anything related to anticapitalism or abolition or even just my regular schedule of helping my neighbors with food and shelter


I was on the fence, but now Iā€™m firmly in the khive.



Where can I go to help the Kamala campaign the most with my labor

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ā€œGrab them by the pussyā€


Come on thatā€™s just locker room talk

In a single speech on Friday alone, he managed to throw out a ā€œhell,ā€ an ā€œassā€ and a couple of ā€œbullshitsā€ for good measure. In the course of just one rally in Panama City Beach, Fla., earlier this month, he tossed out 10 ā€œhells,ā€ three ā€œdamnsā€ and a ā€œcrap.ā€ The audiences did not seem to mind. They cheered and whooped and applauded.

ā€œIā€™d say swearing is part of his appeal,ā€ said Melissa Mohr, the author of ā€œHoly Sh*t: A Brief History of Swearing,ā€ published in 2013. ā€œIt helps create the impression that he is saying what he thinks, ā€˜telling it like it is.ā€™

ā€œThe F wordā€



That is reminiscent of the greatest clip in the history of the internet


She doesnā€™t have her own website up yet, but you can get info on volunteer and employment opportunities with the campaign here

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Iā€™m not looking to relitigate this issue, but this is definitely an issue where a sizeable number of Dem voters are split (including people here). Itā€™s got a lot of overlap with guys that just think women are getting too much power and DEI is holding them back.

My go to barometer for this type of toxic D male is DNegs (who is pretty open about supporting Dā€™s but has some very toxic takes):


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We donā€™t have a thread for bad Kamala memes, so Iā€™m just going to put them here.

I have a lot more where this came from. Donā€™t @ me


What a ā– ā– ā– ā– 

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They arenā€™t going to back out. They are all in on switching it to Fox. And I bet the Dems cave.

Kamala is photogenic. Even when they try and pick her looking weird sheā€™s mostly just smiling or laughing. Thatā€™s not gonna do it.

Hillary and Biden had a lot harder time

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It cuts through with a type of not very smart, generally a political young man. Iā€™ve got some friends who I had to cut off because of this garbage.

Iā€™m not sweating a Fox venue too hard if thatā€™s what happens. I think Harris can succeed there.

oh, I think there are plenty of people who think this is a problem but I donā€™t think that they feel it is so much of a problem that they actually change their votes based on it.


OK but why have a voting age then?


Ignoring the stupidity of that idea, that would produce better outcomes right? My assumption is that the ā€œparents of minorsā€ voting block would not be thrilled with the direction the GOP is taking the country. Maybe theyā€™ve got some fancy polls that say otherwise but Iā€™d be very surprised if so

Heā€™s not saying lower the voting age, he wants parents to get extra votes for each child.