2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

It is a little weird that 59 is YOUNG. But the overton window has shifted a fuckload sooooo.


Overton window has shifted so much in the last 8 years that they might not even be embarrassed anymore.

Seems like totally normal things to say when you’re jerking off two guys


If Kamala wins, she would be the 13th oldest president out of 47 at the time of inauguration.


I think the context was even more depressing. A trans woman has entered a weightlifting competition and lifted the weight with ease. This is the cis woman struggling to compete.

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did he take the bandage off? is part of his ear missing or did it heal itself in a week?

I think it’s from 2020.

I don’t really agree; I tend to think they’ll debate at least once. Trump is no longer sitting on the sort of lead that incentivizes backing out.

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Must be nice to live on a planet other than Earth. Here on this planet we are under the very strong multicultural belief that man have sex = good, and woman have sex = bad

And bringing up the conviction as a response just invites “they prosecuted me for sex but you got rewarded for sex” and all the men go “yes, society biased toward woman, SAD. Women always get the kids too”

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Trump is very confused that mixed-race people exist.



Oh man, we’re going to get some great Kamala-themed Ben Garrison cartoons before the fucker dies of cancer.


They’re still leaning into this thing where they’re dropping endearing clips like this as if they’re bad for Kamala.



They brainstormed “how do we call her uppity without using the word uppity” and this is what they came up with.

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Man, that’s not even an awkward laugh.

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Maybe it’s just me, but I can barely hear the audio. I don’t suppose anyone has a better link to the same vid handy.

Is it though? It resonates with the people who have already drunk the koolaid but I don’t think normies care much about this
