2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I really want someone to get up and say

“Would you trust Trump to take your drunk college student daughter home from a party”


I don’t disagree. Last sentence is probably sad but true.

A disturbingly high percentage of MAGA would not only say yes, but would feel honored if their daughter hooked up with Trump (to be clear “hooked up” is what they would call it, when of course it would be rape).


This is truly weird. Look: there are people in this life who have actual bad, grating laughs. Not a high percentage of the population, but it exists. And if you got cursed with one of the bad laughs, it’s a tough break.

But she doesn’t have that! Like, not even a little. It’s a garden-variety, unremarkable laugh. Fucking bizarre.


I thought that was a pretty clear reference to the War on Drugs, but I didn’t want to limit to just that specific war since it’s a broader carceral state issue.

But since you want that info, tada! Even Wikipedia has it for you:

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Because it’s so fucking weird to these ghouls to see someone sincerely expressing joy and laughter.


Tim Walz looks pretty old for only being 1 year older than Kamala. That’d be my only knock on him.

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You couldn’t have picked out a different trash hand? I wasted seconds of my life trying to figure out if there was 3D hidden meaning to J6


Maybe their social media guy is a mole

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If you actually were talking about the “War on Drugs” (which wasn’t clear to me at all), I do agree that this ended up being a war on young Black men.

But it wasn’t used as a policy against poor white people for cannabis, even though poor people are often low hanging fruit when the State wants to get frisky. Of course, poor defendants of any color in any criminal proceeding have the deck stacked against them. It’s common sense that capitalism needs poor people to grind down and use for fodder, but I don’t see how any of this would be related to anything that was in Kamala’s power.

LOL wat? She was the prosecutor. She could have declined to prosecute (which was within her discretion) or let them all off with wrist slaps.

I was making the point that Kamala wasn’t responsible for the ills of capitalism as they relate to poor criminal defendants. Your quick zinger suggests that she should’ve declined to prosecute all poor defendants, regardless of their crimes.

You were so bored you jumped into this discussion to Melkerson me about my possibly misinterpreting a post, and then you proceed to misread one of my posts.

No. I’m suggesting she should have not prosecuted non-violent drug offenders or gone way easier on them than she actually did. She had a lot of control over that, and it certainly would have balanced some of the stacked deck that those people face as a result of society such as it is.

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I’m following bc it was previously @Bidenhq. I guess late to the party is too late on Elon’s X.

We’re just coming full circle back to Wichita’s original point: all cops are bastards. She took on a position of power within the very system that we’re talking about and defended/continued that system, and is (maybe?) making her role within that system a pillar of her presidential election campaign.


Time to let the doj, fcc, etc crawl up Elons ass, even if it’s just incompetence.

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Can’t Trump replace Vance? Or is he stuck with him now? Honestly, don’t know



GA likely voters, small sample.


This is why I never liked her in the primaries. I agree prosecutors and cops are bastards. But sorry, I’m not gonna get hung up on this now. She’s a perfect opponent to trump and I hope she wins in a landslide

One other thing… A silver lining that we learned from old Joe is that we can force them left. I think we can cause Kamala far more left than she was or wants to be. So I’m not gonna worry too much about her prosecutor past even tho I think it’s vile