2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


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IMO, this is kamala’s job now. She should fire any campaign surrogate who uses the phrase “first black woman” and should wax poetic about her favorite monster truck.

She should also say, “better to lock up some innocent people than let any criminals go free.”

Regarding immigration, she should give boring details on “root causes” of immigration in Ecuador and Panama and say how she is working with them to lower migration.


That’s a good point, and more or less aligns to what I’m getting at. A criticism of Harris, at this point in time, in a thread about the election, demands a “so what?” follow up. If someone just says “Harris is flawed because of X” that may very well be a valid observation, but you’re not actually discussing anything. You’re just making a post that is indistiguisable from bad faith conservative attacks and vapid left wing purity posturing. I don’t think it’s necessarily “wrong”, but it’s definitely not the best we can do on this forum.

For example, Joe’s age was definitely deserving of criticism and the “so what” was huge: he should drop out! Kamala’s prosecutorial past is also something I don’t like, but the “so what” isn’t so clear. Should she drop out because it’s disqualifying? Should she be understated about it in her campaign? Should she consult with subject matter experts and develop a more progressive policy stance at the Federal level than she ever had at the State level? Those are great things to discuss, certainly.

Sorry to pick on you especially about this, I acknowledge that is not really fair. I am suggesting a more constructive approach that everyone should take (myself included).


The so what is we should be wary of being MIB memory holed on someone who’s done truly shitty things just because she’s a great candidate now and we’ve seen some good memes.



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Why can’t he be replaced? Is there a no backsies rule?

I don’t feel like this is something we need to worry about at all right now. I think her track record is well established and will not be forgotten. If we get temporarily exhuberant about Kamala for 100 days, what’s the downside?

He could be, but holy hell that would be a bad look for the “only hires the best people” former POTUS. I get that stuff doesn’t tend to stick to Trump, but I’m not sure that sort of openly panicky move could be worth it just to upgrade to Doug Burgum.

The lawyer at my last real job had a very loud and distinct laugh. Some juvenile males made some idle speculation as to what a certain activity might sound like. Condolescenses for her teenagers.

Wait what


at the end of the day though, in the real world someone’s gotta do the job. and i would rather have moderate democrats willing to be in those positions than the alternative.


i disagree somewhat. shapiro will ruin the vibes of the base. everything is good vibes right now. putting in a pro-israel hardliner is not the play. i’d try to avoid anything israel/gaza for as long as possible.


Yea this is fair.

A challenge I have is managing the seesaw in my own mind. The stuff around Kamala does encourage me, because I truly want to see Trump lose and think she has a chance to do it–certainly more than Biden, imo. But some of it is me reminding myself–and others I guess since I’m posting and not just writing in a diary–not to get my hopes up about what will actually be accomplished if Trump loses because she sucks, and establishment democrats suck, and their suckiness is one of the main reasons we’re in the situation we’re in and I don’t see any reason to expect that to change anytime soon.


I thought you were joking, are you serious?

lol, absolutely not. She should do exactly the opposite of what NYT op-ed dipshits recommend and should never spend a fraction of an instant trying to appeal to “swing voters” in Ohio diners with faux populist nonsense.


I have very little respect in general for career prosecutors. I guess my overall point is that basically everyone who has risen to her levels of power has a questionable past because the only way to get there is to seek power at all costs and there are almost always costs.

So I’m willing to look past the prosecutor thing even it means she is probably not a great person because at least she doesn’t totally suck in some other ways. She’s a bastard but she is our bastard.

Also i prosecuted people for drugs and dui as a 3rd year law student when I myself couldn’t pass a drug test and was hungover most days. So what does that say about me? No i didn’t stick around after law school when I probably could have but still.


This is so funny that I’m starting to question whether removing biden was even the right call, since you were so adamantly for it


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Because woman

it’s really that simple, sorry to say. No need to look deeper than that.

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