2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Republicans leaders: Republicans stop being racist and sexist

House Republican leaders told lawmakers to focus on criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris’ record without reference to her race and gender, following caustic remarks from some Republicans attacking her on the basis of identity.


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You wrote: …that has done incredible damage to our country.

I wrote: Please expand on how Kamala used her job to “inflict incredible damage on this country.”

It’s like you go out of your way to step on rakes. I’m sorry making your words sounds grammatically correct in context confused you.

Love seeing Kamala’s polling numbers on such a quick rise. Makes me wonder how high those will climb. Would be nice if she reversed Biden’s numbers and became a clear favorite.


Eventually you go on long term @ 75% pay. Insurance pays for it all.

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Yang’s platform was pretty progressive, but enough of the right people didn’t like him that they were able to paint him as some kind of libertarian Elon Musky tech bro and it worked so well it probably attracted people who wanted it to be true. Dunno if he didn’t have the right friends or if basic income is really that dangerous of an idea.


There is a correct way to do this. What you did is not it. You could either use quotes and brackets like this

You could also just paraphrase and not use a direct quotation. That’s almost what you did. Just take the quotation marks out of what you wrote, and it would have been fine as an indirect quotation.

What you did was quite weird.

Anyway, carry on.

/quotation mark derail

r/GenZ is excited about Kamala


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Methinks that the disability claim is going to require a fuckton more than a doctor’s note to get paid for years. I’ve heard of people who have very legit disability claims and only got paid after they got a lawyer to sue or threaten to sue the insurance company. And even then the beneficiary had to pay vig to the attorney, so they didn’t get the full 75% or whatever it was supposed to be.



Nah, this is through work and they pretty much sign off on anything. After a while they may ask for one of their doctors to assess, but I assume it takes a while. I worked with someone that had special monitors and other things because he had bad eye sight and looking at screens eventually gave him migraines. Was on disability for almost a year before I arrived and then was on and off again for the 18 months I worked there. It was more or less no questions asked at first and each time, but eventually they pressured him (his words, unsure how) to go back to work after so much time off.

Another guy got 3 months off after a doctor signed a note saying his burnout was affecting his physical health.

The “that” in the phrase “that has done incredible damage to our country” was not “Kamala Harris”

I get it, reading is hard sometimes

Are you saying your employer self insures for LTD? They don’t have a group policy from a large insurer?

They do, and the large insurer doesn’t make much of a fuss

I completely agree with you, but what’s the relevance of this to the Presidential election? She’s certainly more progressive than Donnie Dumb Dumb. The carceral state she worked for is very bad but is much less evil than Donnie Dumb Dumb’s goals for the carceral state. A vote for Harris over Trump is a no brainer. I would agree with you that there are many important points to consider on and even fight her on - after she is in a position to implement policy changes. Because in the next 100 days the range of options is her reality and Trump’s reality, not her reality and some theoretical improved version of Harris.

Is “Kamala was a prosecutor” the new “Biden puts kids in cages”? If so, it’s very tiresome.

It has the same relevance as any other critique of a candidate. Was Biden’s age relevant? Apparently it was, despite the efforts by some to shut down that discussion. If we’re only allowed to talk about positive things about Democrats here, what’s the point in even discussing? Better than Trump, confirmed, pack it up and go home everyone?

Before being derailed by poor reading comprehension, my original post was in response to Wichita wondering whether her background was worse than the average Dem politician. My conclusion was “no, probably not, but that says a lot about Dem politicians”


Wait, are you Canadian? If so, never mind. What I was talking about was the USA#47 experience.

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Wish we could get something cooking with a “Too old, too felon, too rapey” mantra.

I think it’s a bit different from that one. Biden’s brain turning to mush affected his winning chances bigly. Kamala unnecessarily throwing people in jail for a war on drugs, while bad, probably doesn’t move the needle much. May actually help her.


I guess they really are going with ‘she laughs a lot and that’s bad’.


She was in a position of power and used it to advance a war on minorities and the poor that has done incredible damage to our country.

Learn to write more clearly. Nonetheless, your point is that she abused her power to advance the “war” on the poor and minorities. Since in this playpen you want our words to be exact, when exactly was this “war” declared, and who are the combatants? Or is it just something you heard a smart person say?