2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

he’s not 100 years old



There’s just no question that this kind of increased enthusiasm helps with turning the tide of this thing. (Also becoming increasingly glad that I can just work from home tomorrow since she’s going to be downtown here at some point tomorrow.)


She’s such a solid speaker by comparison, as well. I’m impressed with the way she’s handling all of this.

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This might be a SSC take but I think if she plays her cards right she can build a wave of enthusiasm similar to Obama in 2008. That’s a very big if though.


I think the other path to victory is if Trump and R’s keep up the whining about how unfair it is that Biden was replaced and keep trying to push the Biden needs to resign narrative. The smart play is just to switch to the offensive, but Trump is not one to let old grudges go/not reuse his old material.

Even though I feel optimistic, I can’t go that far. But it is helpful that she has an opponent that a much larger percentage of the country absolutely loathes in a way that doesn’t approach general public reaction to John McCain circa 2008. Hatred of him does, and will continue to, cause a lot of this passion to come forth in the form of positive backing for her.

Please nobody tell them that whining about this just makes her look that much stronger. Even if it wasn’t how they felt, a confident public front of “HAHA you’re nominating HER?! This is gonna be fun!” would have been so much better, and they’ve completely blown that. Being angry about having to face her is a really obvious tell to many voters, I’m sure.


Really does seem like she’s found her voice in a hurry.



Have you met my fake independent/centrist friends?

Doesn’t know why they selected Vance, but one the one reason they can definitively eliminate is the color of his skin. They are very intelligent.

I was being sarcastic about Trump being the badass president America needs btw



The crowd is in full throat.


Can you uhh… double click on that “bad ass” description? Is it the lying and felonies that are"bad ass"? Or is it the color of Trump’s skin that is “bad ass”?

Prosecutors suck and cops suck but is that really any worse than your average Dem politician backgrounds?

I worked in a prosecutors office for a year. I wanted trial/courtroom experience and that was the best place to get it. No I didn’t stay or run for elected office but I think a lot of people see the DAs office as a political stepping stone and/or a place to get a ton of experience fast. In my experience almost all the best criminal defense attorneys worked in the prosecutors office first. Nothing helps you understand the weaknesses better.

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Took me a second to figure out if they were chanting “lock him up!” or “Kamala!”

This is more an indictment of dem politicians tbh. She was in a position of power and used it to advance a war on minorities and the poor that has done incredible damage to our country. Seems bad, but yea there are plenty of Dems who can claim the same in one way or another.

And why not public defender, if we’re talking lawyer background?

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One of my irl bros got paid by his firm to go work in the DAs office for 6 months. The firm didn’t even do criminal defense.

TBH I was in the DAs office my last year of law school. In Oklahoma you can take a mini-bar exam and be allowed to practice law unsupervised in certain cases and supervised in others your last year of law school. The amount of things you could do on the prosecution side was way way longer than the defense side for obvious reasons. I did a jury trial in law school. That’s only allowed on the prosecution side here.


It’s years and years worth of courtroom experience day after day after day compared to what a private litigator does. So it makes sense.


Not only might we beat Trump, but a blowout that they blame om Vance will nuke his future career.

One less nazi is an incredible upside here.


The closest anyone has every blamed a VP for losing might be Palin and even she didn’t get a ton of blame. McCain was toast no matter what.