2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

If you dont think Trump will throw Vance under the bus and then get in and drive over him repeatedly if they lose, you dont know Trump.

I mean, his supporters attempted to execute the last VP who helped him lose. A bit more of a consequence than Tina Fey making fun of you.


I would pay good money to have Tina Fey make fun of me


And maybe step on you?


Even Trump needs some sort of event or opportunity to throw the guy under the bus. For Pence it was J6. If Trump just goes on to lose to Kamala, he can try to pin it on Vance, but I don’t think it will stick with enough of them to be effective.

Take someone like Mnuchin, for example. I don’t recall Trump actually throwing him under the bus. Obviously, if Mnuchin calls needing something, Trump will tell him to fuck off. But there really an event that set up the whole throwing under the bus business. That’s how I see it with Vance. If he just does standard running mate shit, Trump can (and will) blame him, but It’s not going to stick, imo.

Well we got a long way to go before this becomes relevant, but im pretty confident in the event of a loss, after Trump blames election fraud, Vance will be his first target

There’s not an “after.” He’s established that he doesn’t just eventually go, “okay okay, yeah, I lost.” He carries the lie on until he’s deep in the cold cold ground.

I would agree in theory that he WOULD do that to Vance, except for the fact that you can’t blame someone on your own side for a loss that you permanently insist never happened.


Yeah, this is probably a better way to look at the spot Vance is in. And unlike Pence, Vance won’t be in a spot to do anything about it.

Of course, Orange Man is great at holding and promoting two contradictory positions, so he might even try. I just don’t see it working in the way we hope (i.e. RIP Vance’s political career).



This Walz guy sounds pretty solid


Damn that would make for a pretty good national platform. Just need some healthcare and you’ve got a stew

12 weeks paid sick leave :thinking:




There had to be some serious back channeling and prep that went into her being ready to step in and secure the nom so quickly and easily. Kudos to whoever that mastermind was.

No kink shaming.


Harris up to 45c on PI, we went from J6o vs QQ to AKo vs TT


I mean the one “conspiracy theory” I’d actually sorta believe is that the WH had this withdrawal planned out to the day, all the hemming and hawing and Pelosi ultimatums and “I’m looking forward to campaigning hard in TX as soon as I feel better” was complete bullshit, and they’ve been grooming Kamala for weeks in private.

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Not buying. It wasn’t a big secret that Nancy and Barack were putting the heat on Joe. Not being ready for the announcement would have been a crime. You know, the way the Rs were completely not ready.

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Yeah I mean I’m not saying it’s likely, but if a few years from now it came out that they knew what they wanted to do two weeks ago, but just wanted to keep it quiet during the RNC and then steal their thunder immediately after, I wouldn’t be insanely surprised.

One way to look at it is that when time came to topple Bernie they all came together like never before. I have got to admit that I didn’t see this level of cohesion behind Kamala coming, but maybe the Presidency is the one thing that will get the Dem establishment to fall in line.

The horror!

3 months paid sick time?

I assume thats for catastrophic illness only?