2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I don’t think there is any risk of Pence being hung.

Hanged on the other hand…


We are boiled frogs, a somewhat normal not 100 year old is going to seem like JFK and Obama had a baby

I don’t think the DEI line works because Vice President and presidential nominee are not normal jobs. The whole “DEI hire” thing revolves around white people getting screwed in what is supposed to be a “unbiased meritocratic process” or whatever, but literally no one is under the impression that that is how it works for politics so the whole thing just falls extremely flat.

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Says the guy who couldn’t get applause in an arena full of MAGA shitheads.


… dominated by machine politics. Advancement tests intra-party knife-fighting skills, not popularity with the people.

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Least likable people in existence think other person has likability problem, shocker


The main problem with the DEI line is that only very online people have any idea wtf DEI means. I’m not even sure what it stands for myself.

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Very online or anyone who works for a large corporation.

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High school nonsense. Ooo stay away from her, nobody likes her, do you want to be friends with a nobody?? :open_mouth:


Anyone want to take a guess what turnover looks like within Trump’s circle? Just shut up David Sacks of shit


So wild how completely and totally Republicans have turned diversity into a pejorative. I mean obviously they are effectively all racist assholes, but the absolute beat down they have given to DEI is humbling.


Dems should campaign on the fact that they’ve stopped various Fox News moral panics. Like Critical Race Theory, you don’t hear about CRT in schools after Joe Biden took office. And that big migrant caravan, totally vanished!


I can’t think of a single losing presidential candidate in my lifetime that has been the favorite to win another one or even be nominated.

I hear what you are saying, but I think that looking at these things case by case is not unreasonable.

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True, but OTOH it wasn’t that long ago that VP was a common pathway to the presidency.

Bad news:


4 years. :joy:

Disagree on bolded.

I think you underestimate the bolded. For plenty of MAGA folk, if a person of color is successful in politics or anything else it never would have happened were it not for affirmative action/DEI somewhere along the line.



You’re telling me you’ve been reading UP for years, saw DEI mentioned numerous times, and never asked the google machine you’re reading all this with what those letters stood for?

I think I agree with you, but it’s a matter of degree.

You’ll find a lot of people who think that the competition for the middle manager job at your local megacorp should be some kind of Vulcan logic resume / interview evaluation devoid of any human emotion or context but HR and woke liberals shoehorn diversity into it so they can hire unqualified black trans Asian women of color.

I don’t think most of those people would tell you with a straight face that like JD Vance is the most objectively qualified candidate for the VP spot or whatever.

I think they’ll find some audience for that crap but the ones who really care will be people who were already waaaay down the rabbit hole. And there will be a secondary group of people who might think Harris’ status as a black woman helped her get to where she is but at the end of the day that isn’t going to weigh heavily (or at all) when they consider the question of whether they’d prefer her or the one-eared orange fuck as president.


Ryan became Speaker after losing. While it wasn’t for that long, I don’t think that counts as obscurity.


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