2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Saw something today suggesting the Harris team is planning to lean heavily on the prosecutor vs. felon contrast. I think that could be a mistake.

It’s a catchy line, no doubt. But Harris isn’t going to win by trying to out-strongman Trump. Or by trying to be the tough-on-crime candidate. Democrats never win when they do this.

I dunno, the line just seems very “focus-groupy” to me. Chris Christie tried this a million times, and the live focus groups always loved it. And then nobody voted for Chris Christie.

Maybe it can work if the framing is just right. Like she’s the serious prosecutor and Trump is the bumbling cartoon villain. Maybe. But I’m skeptical.

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I think it’s fine if they don’t go all in on that. It should be just one element of a multifaceted attack.

Also the difference between now and Christie is that Trump wasn’t a convicted felon then. I know nothing matters, but it’s at least technically a difference.

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I really don’t want to jinx it. But I’ve also thought that Vance as VP might mean this is a chance to fade, not one, but two proto fascists in one go.

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She’s testing out the prosecutor angle right now

They’re also playing for entirely different voters. I don’t know that the Christie precedent means anything at all, really. Harris using this line will not work on Republican voters, of course, but no other line will either.

Harris just gave a pretty good stump speech at campaign HQ. It was coherent, energetic and substantive with only a little “orange man bad.” She’s got a real shot if she can keep it up.


Vance losing here doesn’t reduce his future EV, he is still going to be a problem. If anything, just getting on the ticket helps him even if he loses (vs not being on the ticket at all).

I must say, the emotional swings of this political cycle… from, “ugh, not again,” to begrudging support, to utter despair, to

…So you’re telling me there’s a chance?

Has truly been something to behold.

I don’t know how much of the ensuing 4 months I can take.


Crazy that we thought that Trump assassination photo was the nail in the coffin and we’ve already forgotten about it.


It really was, hate to feed the conspiracies but everything about this resignation feels strange to me. Joe needs to show his face in public soon, everyone ive seen react to the call in thinks it might have been AI.

Kamala really has to go at Trump and the GOP on abortion.

Based on my own very anecdotal evidence, with an extended family that was raised very conservative and now are mostly centrists, the abortion stuff is hitting hard. Even my Aunts who voted Trump are talking about and really questioning this, even with a ‘no talking about politics at family parties’ rule in place.

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I think it’s part of an effective strategy, but can’t be all of it. I mean yeah, hammer Trump on being a decrepit human being, but she also needs to put forth a positive vision with policies that are gonna help people more than Trump will

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I think it could def doom Vance in that if trump throws him under the bus like pence then he’s done for

Just watched. My goodness. After watching Biden and Trump for so long, Harris seems like an oratory master.

She’s likable, and that’s the most important thing imo. Not so sure about the message. And not a fan of her hiring Jen O’Malley Dillon to be campaign manager. But we’ll see. She has time to refine the message and figure it out. If she’s able to control the narrative of the race favorably, I think she’ll win.

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I don’t think a single losing VP candidate in my lifetime has gone on to anything except complete obscurity after losing.

You’d have to go back a ways, but Dole making a failed VP run and then eventually becoming the party’s Senate Majority Leader and its presidential nominee is one exception. (The VP loss wasn’t in my lifetime, so maybe it wasn’t yours either and maybe it doesn’t count.)

The prosecutor line has a couple of good points, but could be an Achilles heal too

It’s good for attack. She can talk about his felonies, the rape, the pedophile stuff well. I mean, the memes are making themselves. It’s an easy and clear narrative.

On defence. It’s some defence against the “DEI” candidate, i.e. whether you like or dislike what she did, it’s a real career.

The problem is that she could also get swift boated.

“She prosecuted and abused innocent black men” then fill the airwaves with actual or alleged miscarriages of justice.

To his base he can nod and wink and be like “you know we don’t mind locking up black folks, right?” while hammering the themes of the angry black woman.

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Don’t give him any ideas…

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