2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)



If Kamala ships this one, it’s has to be one of the craziest cases of “right place, right time” in human history. There was no other way she was going to get a shot. She never, ever wins a contested primary in the usual fashion.

Let’s hope she keeps running hotter than the sun.



That’s why she was willing to take the VP job. Knew she couldn’t win a primary but also knew Biden was older than dirt and played to her out.

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Once the adrenaline wears off we’re all gonna to be like “Shit, we’re rolling with Kamala…”


I think she took it because that’s as high as she thought she could go. Be VP, go on the speaking circuit, sit on some boards, etc… not a bad life. Yeah, she had this out (or Biden death), but I don’t think that was the main reason.


she’s gonna need a cause or two for sure.

That’s what I’m saying. Look, Biden dropping was definitely the right move. Nonzero is better than zero. But it’s still fucking Kamala.

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In all honesty, yeah. I kind of assume D is for diversity and I guess E is for equality or equity. But I don’t really care enough even to google it.

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Diversity, equity, and inclusion. It’s like CRT but corporate (in the minds of conservatives)

Hokie gave you the easy answer.

The harder answer will involve sorting out the difference between those two things. If you have a look about there is some good stuff and a lot of horseshit on the subject.

Bold of you to assume he knows what CRT is.

That’s why I’m saying we’re still going to lose. The sad part is that it’s not going to be for the reasons Kamala is actually bad. It’s going to be sexism, racism, and possibly some legal bullshit.

Speaks to how historically bad of a candidate Biden was.

The polls being dropped over the next few days will tell us a lot.

If the last few months and years has taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected.

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I wonder what the sim gods have planned for the rest of this season? I’ll predict Kamala rides the momentum to a good lead and then a scandal/skeleton drops a week out Comey-style.

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it’s gotta be something… kamala has even the trumper weirdos on 2+2 reluctantly saying she sounds reasonable…

Twists & turns we cannot even fathom at this point.

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