2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Last place I expected to see his statement was on Medium.

This outstanding track record gave President Biden every right to run for re-election and finish the job he started. Joe understands better than anyone the stakes in this election — how everything he has fought for throughout his life, and everything that the Democratic Party stands for, will be at risk if we allow Donald Trump back in the White House and give Republicans control of Congress.

I also know Joe has never backed down from a fight. For him to look at the political landscape and decide that he should pass the torch to a new nominee is surely one of the toughest in his life. But I know he wouldn’t make this decision unless he believed it was right for America. It’s a testament to Joe Biden’s love of country — and a historic example of a genuine public servant once again putting the interests of the American people ahead of his own that future generations of leaders will do well to follow.

We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August.

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No, they have to vote for him, not who he tells them to vote for. If he’s not in the race they are free agents.

Oh fuck off. This is weak ass trolling man.

It’s going to be kamala, shes got all the endorsements and attempting a go at her here would be career suicide likely

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Wait… I was told this is BS



It is

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Vote coconut no matter who


Ok I’m dumb. What’s the whole coconut thing?


So you’re saying you do not exist in the context of everything that came before you?


yes they are free agents but i expect the vast, vast majority will go with Biden’s endorsement with maybe 5-10% or less breaking off to other candidates.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that


The post has a lot of likes. WichitaDM saying biden has been a great President is right next to it and has double the likes.

And I remember how this place was right up to the start of the debate, which you seem to have forgotten.

not so sure about this


Not that it matters but lol




Yeah it’s funny, but the tweeter saying “complicating matters” is even funnier

